me: hey
me: is finneas home yet?

claudia: yep he got home like 30 minutes ago
claudia: why?

me: oh no reason, jus making sure lol 

i furrowed my eyebrows and decided i was just going to forget about it and go to sleep. just when i was about to lay down i heard the door unlock to see a frustrated billie. she was on the phone. "i dont care thats bullshit"she said angrily "okay well you need to tell them to fix it... no..... i dont give a fuck dude fix the problem..... no thats fucking stupid..... those bitches keep trying to ruin shit and it aint going to work... mhm.... yea... bye" i tried to mind my business and ignore what she was saying but she was mad. and i didnt know what to do. 

"whats up mamas?" billie said and sat on the bed next to me. "nothin much just unpacked everything." i said and she nodded. "did you have fun with claudia?" she asked and i nodded my head. "um.. what was that about? is everything okay?" i asked her once she looked calm. "yeah everythings good now, just some bastard leaked a song from the album and i dont know how they got it but before people could hear it my manager put a stop to it" she explained to me. i knew there was nothing left to say about the conversation so the both of us dropped it. 

"did you eat?" i asked billie once she had chnaged her clothes. "yeah a bit ago, did you?" she asked and i said yes. "hey we should go swimming" she mentioned and i agreed. since it was a little cold in london we got into the hot tub instead. no one was in it thankfully so we got to spend some time together alone and relax. "how do you feel about tour? you only have 11 shows left." billie was excited to be done with tour and finally relax but she was also sad that it was ending. "i mean im scared for whats going on after to be honest. what if people dont like my album?" thats the last thing she should be concerned about. her album was delicious

"girl your album is amazing theres no reason to be thinking like that. be real" i said and she came closer to me. "you really think so?" she said and bit her lip. i nodded my head and looked at her beauty.

"well why dont you show me that you think so?" she said and got super close to my face making me nervous. "no" i said and winked and got up from her grasp. "oh you little shit- y/n get back here!" she said and ran after me. i jumped into the cold water and she followed behind me. "oh my god what the fuck. i know youre fucking lying this shit is going to give me hypothermia" she  said making me laugh at her antics. "what? you cant take a little cold?" i said in a joking manner. i grew up always being cold so this was nothing. "you know what- oh youre so lucky i like you" she said and got up shivering "what? you like me?" i said still joking with her "you will pay for this. i'm going to our room" she said and walked away. oh boy. billie always keeps her word

i eventually got out of the pool and dried off before going back up to our room. i got into the room and saw no sign of billie. i shrugged my shoulders and sat on the bed. i then heard some weird noises coming from the bathroom so i walked in but the lights were off. what the hell. just as i was walking out of the bathroom i heard someone yell and jump out of me making me scream "dude what the hell billie!" i said and put my hand over my heart. "ha ha sucker thats what you get!" she said while laughing at me. 

"alright i have had enough of you." i said and laughed at her. "i am going away forever now" i said joking with her. "oh no you dont" she grabbed ahold of my waist and put me against the wall. "you- will-never-leave-me" she said as she kissed different parts of my face. then she made it to my lips and started to rub her hands all over my body while i played with her hair. she moaned a little into the kiss making me blush and smile. she continued to kiss me full of love and oh man i could never forget the way her lips felt against mine. "now, go shower, you smell like chlorine" she said and gave me one last peck on my lips making me giggle. 

i stripped into nothing and hopped into the shower. once i was in i heard the bathroom door open. "angel?" billies voice rang through the bathroom "yes bills?" i asked and opened the curtain to pop my face out. she looked a little shy. "can-never mind" she said and started to walk away. "no billie ask the question" i said and she looked to her feet. "can i join- can i join you?" she said not looking up. i didnt answer her. "nevermind sorry thats stupid question" she said and left. "no billie come on" i finally said and she had such an excited smile on her face. "really!?" she said like she just got her dream car all over again. i laughed at her and nodded my head closing the shower curtain again. 

a few moments later i heard the curtain open again and i felt billies presence behind me. "nice ass" she said and laughed making me laugh as well. i turned around and i was met with the most beautiful person ever. her hair was wet and stringy and her body- wow her body. "you-youre stunning billie" i said and she smiled down at me. "you tho. youre gorgeous. youre perfect" she said and put her hands onto my naked hips. "you are perfect y/n" she said and pulled me into a kiss. the kiss was slow and sweet and nothing was rushed or sexual. it was just full of love. 

"can i wash your hair?" billie asked and i nodded and turned around to allow her to put my hair products into my hair and she then rubbed the soap all over my body sending chills down my spine. she then massaged the body wash onto my entire body releasing all of the tension i had been feeling. "youre going to make me insane eilish" i said and she didnt say anything, she just kept putting her soapy hands up and down my body, turning me around to do the same thing in the front of my body. but again, it wasnt sexual, it was loving. "let me do you now" i said and washed her hair and body. 

we got out of the shower after just having a little but of fun, like throwing soap onto each other and seeing if each other could figure out the design we were drawing. "you know angel, i could get used to showering with you every night" billie said and i threw my towel at her. "not gonna happen" i said in a joking tone and finished getting dressed. "can i brush your hair?" billie asked when she saw my brush was in my hand. "sure! whats your obsession with my hair?" i asked and she took the brush in my hands and began to brush my curls. "its just beautiful" she said "just like you" i whispered under my breath but she heard it. 

once billie and i had our teeth brushed, hair brushed and pajamas on we got into bed and cuddled like we did every night. things were going great and i would not change it for the world. i was starting to feel more then just like for billie. maybe i was loving her? 

i decided i needed to get all of these feelings off of my chest so i was going to see if claudia wanted to hangout while they had press and we could talk. i also sent some texts to my sister saying i was going to call her tomorrow and spill my feelings to her and get her advice. thats what i loved about having a sister so close in age. i was 18 and she was 17. 

"i think i am going to go to sleep" billie said and shut off the tv and plugged her phone in. i did the same and laid on my pillow closing my eyes. which billie didnt like. "unt un come cuddle meee" billie whined and i obeyed and cuddled into her hair. 

i believe billie thought i was sleeping when she said words that made my heart go insane and my stomach do 10 billion flips. 

"i think i am falling in love with you" she whispered and planted a kiss onto my forehead falling asleep just like we always did together. 

you saved me. billie eilish x youWhere stories live. Discover now