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January 5th
Los Cabos

Laying down in the bed was as peaceful as it could get. Cocoa laid quietly in the California King Sized bed just taking in the scenery. The sun was shining bright and early in the pure blue sky

Clouds was placed beautifully in the sky by Gods display. These were moments she loved to have and remembered. A place her mind could go back and think on to bring her back peace and quietness

The white silk sheets covered her body halfway. Her hair was placed in a messy bun. She hadn't touched her hair since she got off the Jet which was now six days ago

Cocoa was going to miss this view. It was crazy to her how fast the six days of this vacation had came and went

Hearing a knock come to the door before she could make another move Mocha had walked inside the room. Walking over towards Cocoa's side

Her long straight jet black hair flowed down her back. The silk dress she wore went all the way down to her ankles. The pretty beautiful light color looked beautiful against her blemish free skin

Her face had a little make up. A light beat almost like she didn't have any make up on at all. Her lips were outlined with the light brown liner with black touches

Stooping down to Cocoa's level she sat in a squat position. A smile on her face knowing that she was about to make her get up and go out with her

"Come with me." Mocha said lowly

Cocoa turned her face up wondering why she had chosen her to get up. Knowing that Peach's room was across from hers. Why choose to bother her?

"Why me? Peach is next door." Cocoa asked not wanting to get up

"Just come on. I'll wait in the front for you. Take your time." Mocha said sweetly before holding her dress and standing up

Cocoa watched her walk out the room. Laying there for a few she finally sat up. Pushing her hair out her face she threw her legs out the bed one by one

Fixing her side of the bed up she looked over and seen Wiic still asleep. He looked like he was sleeping peacefully. Not bothering him she went in the bathroom and handled her business

Walking side by side with Mocha, Cocoa looked around at all the people that surrounded the small market area. Fruits and vegetables lined up and down the small block

She pushed her Vintage Shades up and scooted the small shoulder bag up her arm. Her Hermès Sandals made a slight clicking noise as she walked behind Mocha

Her Ivory Blue L'agence Serita Silk Slip Dress blew with the wind as they walked closer towards the other side of the beach. Cocoa honestly wanted to know what Mocha had underneath her sleeves with this outting

The two hadn't hung out really since their last shared mall outting. Cocoa just came knowing that Mocha wasn't going to take no for an answer with this trip

As they got closer to the sand she slid her feet out her sandals same thing Mocha had did. Carrying them in her hand she used her left hand to grab the bottom of her dress. Stepping inside the warm sand she made her way close towards the water

Cocoa's Sweet BoyWhere stories live. Discover now