Losing Hope

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"I'm sorry, Khun New," the doctor said softly, his voice carrying the weight of sorrow.

His mom died.

New's heart sank as the words echoed in his ears, each syllable driving home the reality of his loss. He had known, deep down, that this day would come, but nothing could have prepared him for the finality of the doctor's words.

Weeks passed, and New's grief remained a heavy burden upon his shoulders. He returned home each day to the silent emptiness of the house, haunted by memories of happier times. One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, New found himself overwhelmed by a wave of despair.

He collapsed onto the floor, his body wracked with sobs as the pain of his loss consumed him. Time seemed to stand still as he lay there, his tears flowing freely until there were no more left to shed.

In the days that followed, New's anguish only deepened. He found himself unable to eat or sleep, his days blending into a haze of loneliness and despair. And then, one fateful evening, exhaustion finally overtook him, and he fell into a deep slumber that lasted for three long days.

When he finally awoke, the reality of his situation hit him like a ton of bricks. He was alone. Utterly and completely alone. There was no one to care for him, no one to comfort him in his darkest hours.

His sadness weighed heavily upon him, a suffocating blanket that threatened to smother him where he lay. He couldn't bring himself to do anything, let alone face the world outside his door.

In a moment of desperation, New sent an email to his school, explaining his situation and asking for time away to heal. With trembling hands, he typed out the words, each keystroke a painful reminder of all that he had lost.

And as he reached the end of the email, his vision blurred with tears once more. He hit send, the weight of his sorrow pressing down upon him like a vice.

Few months later

Months passed, and New slowly began to find the strength to venture outside once more. But his world had changed irrevocably, and he found himself adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

He had been fired from his job, his savings dwindling with each passing day. Yet, he couldn't bring himself to use the money his parents had left behind for something as trivial as food. It was meant for his university fees, a promise he had made to them long ago.

As the days turned into weeks, New found himself drowning in a sea of worry and despair. Bills piled up, each one a reminder of his precarious situation. And then, one day, he received a message from Singhto. A lifeline in his darkest hour.

They agreed to meet, and New
found himself trembling with anticipation as he made his way to the rendezvous point. He was exhausted, his body worn down by months of grief and hardship. But he knew he had to keep going, if only for the sake of his parents' memory.

When he arrived, Singhto was there waiting for him, his smile a beacon of light in the darkness. But as soon as he laid eyes on New, his expression turned to one of concern.

New tried to smile, to reassure his friend that he was okay, but the words caught in his throat.

He was tired, so tired, and he couldn't hide the toll that grief had taken on him.

Singhto didn't say anything, but his actions spoke volumes. He bought New dinner, a small gesture of kindness that brought tears to New's eyes. And as they sat together, sharing a meal in silence, New felt a glimmer of hope stirring within him once more.

After dinner, Singhto made a suggestion that took New by surprise. He had a friend who was looking for a roommate in Bangkok, someone to share the burden of paying the bills.

"It might be just what you need," Singhto said softly, his gaze filled with compassion. "To have someone there for you, to share the load."

New hesitated for a moment, his mind racing with thoughts and fears. But then he nodded, a flicker of hope igniting within him.

"Okay," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you."

And as they parted ways, New felt a sense of gratitude wash over him. For in Singhto, he had found not just a friend, but a lifeline. A glimmer of hope in his darkest hour. And as he made his way home, his heart felt lighter than it had in months.

Months passed in a blur of grief and uncertainty. Each day was a struggle to make ends meet and keep his parents' memory alive. With bills piling up and the house feeling emptier than ever, New faced the harsh reality of his situation.

Desperate for a solution, he tentatively reached out to find a roommate, hoping to alleviate some of the financial strain while holding onto the home his parents had worked so hard to build.


Tay's pov

In the heart of Bangkok's vibrant nightlife, Tay found himself immersed in the bustling streets, where the energy of the city pulsed around him. Amidst the lively crowds and neon lights, memories of his past experiences flooded his mind, weaving a tapestry of nostalgia and anticipation.

As Tay navigated through the labyrinth of alleys and avenues, he couldn't help but reflect on the journey that had brought him to this moment. From the excitement of his first steps into the city to the friendships forged along the way, each memory held a special place in his heart.

Yet, amidst the nostalgia, there was also a sense of excitement for the adventures that lay ahead. For Tay, Bangkok wasn't just a city. It was a vibrant tapestry of life and culture, filled with endless possibilities and new beginnings. And as he continued to move through its streets, he knew that the best was yet to come.

To be continued.....

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