The meeting

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Before you read this story read this!

This story is not inspired by any other story! You may see some similarities but that may be just a coincidence!

I also wrote this with my bad ass english then let the grammaly app correct this, so it can contain some unique words you may not understand. I just wanted to make sure you guys can read this comfortably without problems:>

Also I added music to match the vibe of every chapter.

Tay' pov

In the heart of Bangkok's pulsating nightlife, where the streets thrum with the rhythm of life and the air is thick with anticipation, there exists a Japanese club known only to those who seek refuge in its shadows.

Tay Tawan strides through the club's entrance, his presence commanding attention as he navigates the labyrinth of dimly lit corridors. With each step, he exudes an air of confidence, his gaze sweeping over the throngs of patrons who have come to lose themselves in the allure of the night.

The club hums with energy, the air alive with the heady scent of perfume and the distant strains of music. Tay moves with purpose, his destination clear as he makes his way to the heart of the club. The stage where he will soon take center stage as the master of ceremonies.

As he reaches the stage, Tay's eyes sweep over the crowd, taking in the sea of faces that gaze back at him with eager anticipation. He offers them a dazzling smile, his charisma a potent force that draws them in like moths to a flame.

But amidst the throngs of strangers, Tay's gaze lingers on one figure. A young man standing alone at the edge of the crowd, his eyes wide with wonder as he takes in the spectacle before him.

Their eyes meet, and for a brief moment, time stands still as a spark ignites between them. A connection forged in the depths of the night.

Tay feels a tug at his heartstrings, a longing he cannot explain as he watches the young man's gaze flicker with uncertainty. Without hesitation, he descends from the stage, his footsteps purposeful as he makes his way through the crowd towards the object of his fascination.

"Hey there," Tay says, his voice low and inviting as he approaches the young man, who looks up at him with a mixture of surprise and curiosity.

"Hi," the young man replies, his voice soft and tentative as he meets Tay's gaze.

Tay offers him a warm smile, his charm in full force as he extends a hand towards the young man. "I'm Tay. What's your name?"

The young man hesitates for a moment before taking Tay's hand in his own. "I'm New," he says, a hint of nervousness in his voice as he returns Tay's handshake.

"It's nice to meet you, New," Tay says, his smile widening as he notices he's making the younger one blush. "What brings you to the club tonight?"

New's cheeks flush with color as he shifts uncomfortably under Tay's gaze. "I... uh, just wanted to experience something different, I guess," he says, his words hesitant as he struggles to find the right ones.

Tay nods understandingly, his eyes never leaving New's face as he senses the young man's unease. "Well, you've definitely come to the right place," he says, his voice reassuring as he gestures towards the stage. "Care to join me for a drink?"

New hesitates for a moment before nodding, a tentative smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Sure," he says, his voice barely above a whisper as he follows Tay towards the bar.

As they settle into their seats, the tension between them begins to dissipate, replaced by an easy camaraderie that belies the intensity of their connection.

And as they raise their glasses in a silent toast to the night ahead, neither can shake the feeling that their meeting was anything but chance. That fate, in all its mysterious ways, had brought them together for a reason.

Tay has done this so many times. He knows he needs to keep the conversation going to prevent it from becoming dull for his customers. However, with New, it feels oddly comfortable, and silence doesn't seem awkward at all.

To be continued...

Ahhhh hope yall like the idea of a host club AU so far ^^

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