𝟎𝟎𝟗. these voices won't leave me alone

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chapter ninethese voices won't leave me alone

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chapter nine
these voices won't leave me alone


Rory thought the feeling she had when her parents died wouldn't happen again, but it happened with Maudette, Dawn, and now, Gran. The feeling of oncoming death. Surely finding a body one time was a mistake, but the second? That couldn't be a coincidence. Rory had come to terms that she attracted death and anyone close to her would suffer from it, but that didn't mean it hurt any less.

It was only the next day after she found Gran's body, blood washed away in the shower, and as much as she felt the need to cry, her body rejected the idea and no tears could form. She and Sookie sat at the kitchen table as people from town filled into their house, all friends of Gran or knew the woman, baring gifts of food and crowding into the living room as they gave their condolences to the two girls. Jason was missing, and Rory felt anger, wondering what clouded his time to ignore all her voicemails saying there's an emergency and he needed to come home.

That's all Rory could feel right now, Anger. Anger at Jason, Anger at everyone's thoughts of how her and Sookie didn't deserve Gran, anger at the person who killed her in Gran in cold blood right when she was the most vulnerable. This anger fueled her being, which was why she couldn't muster tears, she just felt... numb.

Lafayette sat beside Rory, a comforting hand rubbing her back, silently telling her he was there when she did decided she needed a good cry. Tara was comforting Sookie who at least showed a little sadness through her numbness, Rory was just plain stone cold. Lafayette got up to take care of the dishes and food people brought at the kitchen counter

Those two girls haven't cried a single tear.

Aurora looks like she might start punching people, I wouldn't be surprised with that girls anger issues.

Have they no compassion for their dead grandmother?

Damn, those girls look like zombies. But, Hot zombies.

𝐆𝐔𝐘𝐒 𝐌𝐘 𝐀𝐆𝐄, eric northman Where stories live. Discover now