She was using him as a distraction the same way he was using her to stroke his own ego and for now it was working perfectly fine. She wasn't sure if she was the only girl he was seeing and a part of her didn't really want to know, she hadn't noticed any girls shamelessly leaving his bedroom window but that's not to say he wasn't getting his action elsewhere.

They pull up to their shared street and he put the car in park outside his house. Kat was relieved to see the lights out in his meaning she wouldn't have to face Mr Hargrove who would stare out the living room window with his unnerving stare. She had only spoken to him a handful of times but she noticed his smile never fully reached his eyes, like he was hiding something.

They quietly exited his car, making sure to close the doors as gently as possible to not wake his father. She looked over at her own house that had no visible lights on, she hoped her parents wouldn't be mad at her in the morning for being out past curfew and she silently hoped they had gone to bed early enough to not notice.

"See you tomorrow" He nodded.

"Ah, so you are coming" She smirked.

She always liked parties regardless but they were that extra bit more fun when he was there especially with how tipsy she normally got, her body yearning for his touch after enough tequila. She would want him anyway but her inebriation somehow added to the pleasure, her body and brain floating in a hazy cloud of passion.

"I'm sure as shit not gonna sit about watching reruns with Susan" He joked.

Kat wasn't sure what to think of his stepmom, she seemed nice enough but she was always tucked into Mr Hargrove's side like some sort of timid mouse afraid to speak out.

"I'll see you there then" Kat confirmed spinning on her heel to head to her own house.

"Wear my favourite" He said, almost sounding like a command.

She didn't particularly like being told what to do, she considered herself to be independent in her choices and decisions. She bent those rules a little for Billy, he always treated her just that little bit sweeter when she obliged by his suggestions.

"If you're lucky" She winked and climbed up into her bedroom without another word or glance.

She didn't need to look back to know he would have a grin planted on his face, she had just as much of an effect on him as he did to her even if he was in denial about admitting so.

She took off her make up and got ready for bed, her eyes starting to sting with how tired she felt. She had been sacrificing sleep in favour of sneaking out to meet up with Billy at unsocial hours when it was the quietest.

She noticed a note by her door, one that had been shoved under in her absence. She picked it up and read the messy handwriting that she recognised to be from Dustin.

Mom noticed you were out past curfew, I covered and told her you were staying at Nancy's and that dad had already said you could - D

A soft smile etched on her lips as she folded up the note and dumped it on her desk. She respected how her brother went out his way to cover her back and made a mental note to pay him back in the future as she climbed into her bed letting the warm sheets engulf her body as she drifted off into a slumber.

The clock read 1pm when her eyes fluttered open, she stretched out her arms feeling well rested for the first time that week. Noises echoed around the house indicating her mother was already busy working on some cooking or housework.

She exited her room and spotted Dustin sitting at his desk in his room working away on a school project. She never understood how he had the motivation to work at the best of times let alone on a Saturday when he could be doing 101 things more fun than a history paper.

Suburban Blues // Billy Hargrove Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin