5.0: Cant tell you why

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TW: suicidal thoughts and mentions of suicide 🚨

It's been a while since Ive seen her. When we last spoke it was a complete and utter disaster, and Ive made a point to not cause that again. Thinking back to when we were out partying way late then we should've been. Now it's hard to even form a thought without thinking about her, and the absence of my girl. I try to smile like she told me and laugh like the old me, but I can't. I think there's something wrong with me.

Picking up my phone, I hesitantly click on her contact. I know I shouldn't be doing this, but the alcohol is telling me otherwise. Pressing the call button, it takes 3 rings for her to pick up.

"Trav? Why are you calling me?"

"Tay, I need you. You're everywhere and I can't stand it."

"Trav, we talked about this. You're not supposed to call me, it's not good for either of us."

"I quit smoking. I quit smoking for you cause I knew how much you always hated it. Im changed, I swear." I slur some of the ending words of my sentence.

"Are you drunk right now? I thought you were sober."

"Yea I was." I emphasized the was. I hadn't meant to slip up like this, I was insanely disappointed that I did.

There was silence on the other end.

"My mind isn't right, Tay. I just don't know why, and don't try to ask cause I won't be able to tell you."

"Hold on for a second, I'll be over in 10"


I don't know how he still has a hold on me, I don't know why I still run to him while he's hurting. It must still be in my instincts.

We were together for longer than I can remember, basically joined at the hip. When it started turning unhealthy, I ended things. To this day I regret some of the things that were said, both by me and him.

Arriving at his front door, my stomach was doing flips. I assumed he was too incapacitated at the moment to answer the door, so I grabbed the emergency key from under the plant. It was dark inside, and surprisingly dead quiet. I could see a faint silhouette. Walking over to his living area, I found him staring into the abyss.

"Hey Trav, whats going on babe?"

"I think I need help Tay. The thoughts just never stop, telling me Im not good enough for anything."

Hearing that made me cry out on the inside. I knew that he had a history with depression, but he had never shown signs over their years of the relationship. She went in for a tight embrace, running her hands over his velvety head.

"We're gonna get you some help, baby. I swear it's all gonna be okay."

I took his face in my hands, wiping the pools of tears that had gathered under his eyes.


"Hello?" A very tired Kylie answered the call.

"Hey Ky, it's Taylor. Travis is not great in the head right now, and I'm not sure what to do going forward."

"Tay? What do you mean he isn't great in the head, is he having a breakdown of something?" Kylie sounded like she was starting to panic.

"There's something wrong and he won't talk to me. Ky he was talking about suicide." My voice broke as I was ending my sentence, it hurt me so much that he would even think about taking himself out of this world, and it hurt me that he was hurting this bad.

"Ok, me and Jase are gonna come over first thing tomorrow. Do you think you can get him to bed without too much of a struggle?"

"Yeah I can do that, thank you Ky." with that she ended the call.


Kylie and Jason stuck to their word, showing up at Travis's door at 7am. It was somewhat hard to convince him to get rest. They had both slept on his couch, for Travis had only fell asleep while he was spooning me.

Slowly, I removed from his arms, being careful not to disturb his slumber. I greeted them silently, the emotion of concern hung in the air.

"So me and Jase got in contact with a program after you called us in the late hours of last night. They said suicidal tendencies are to be taken very seriously, and to bring him in ASAP."

"I don't think I should be here, Ky. We hadn't talked for months before he called me, begging for company."

"Taylor, you and me both know how much you have worked to better yourself, just because you are involved in a situation with him doesn't mean you're gonna automatically revert back to your old habits." I had kept contact with Kylie these past months, she had been my shoulder to cry on when needed, and even just a friendly presence for lunch.

"Ky, should I get him out to the car? They said openings usually don't last long." Jason finally spoke up from the chair he was occupying.

"This is really happening this quick?"

"It has to be like this, he needs professional help, Tay. We don't want to lose him, and I know you don't want to feel that pain either."

A/N: this is based off another Zach Bryan song. Sorry if the writings a little dry.

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