Maybe, Maybe, Maybe...

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"Shh, it's going to be okay." South reassures. "All the poision has been taken out of your blood. Now, we wait for a doctor to remove the needle and we can go home."

Hearing this, I felt so much relief coursing through my veins. I was feeling safe and comfortable as I was wrapped in South's comforting embrace, but when he said this my body relaxed even more. The poison had been taken out of my blood already? Was that why I felt so fuzzy and disoriented? But even better, I would be going home soon... with South. The thought filled my heart with joy, a small smile even curving on my lips.

"North will be so happy to see you." South ruffles my hair and pulls away.

"R-Really?" I ask softly, but as he ruffles my hair and pulls away, I feel a wave of guilt washing over me again. "I mean..." I glance back at the medical equipment hooked to me once more, remembering how scared I was before. "I tried to... you know..."

"You know how he is. He will be a little angry and might slap you into next week for your stupidity, but he still loves you and will be more relieved than mad." South gingerly places a kiss on my forehead.

I giggle softly at the image of South describing how North would react to finding out. It was actually so comical, but also kind of realistic at the same time as well. It seemed like all of my emotions were a roller coaster today, going through every feeling known to man. Suddenly, thoughts of Australia and Habu Babu cross my mind.

"Is Habu Babu okay?" I ask. South Korea shudders. "He's still in your room. I fed him before coming here." An amused smile tugs on the corners of my lips.

"H-He's still there?" I ask, raising an eyebrow curiously as my mind starts to wonder what Habu Babu would still be doing in my room. When South mentioned that he fed Habu Babu before coming to see me, I couldn't help but smile and chuckle at the thought. I couldn't wait to see the little guy in person again once I got out.

"And Australia?" I ask.

"Your partner in crime has been worried sick. When he saw North look so meek and unwilled, he knew something was wrong." South answers. "You have some explaining to do when you see him at school tomorrow." My brother chuckles. "Maybe even make out to express your sorrow."

"Hey!" I shove South off me, the heat rising in my cheeks. "P-Perish the thought...." I mumble sheepishly as my cheeks heat up from the sudden blush that came over me. South was still chuckling as I pushed him off, and as he leaned back, I saw a teasing glimmer spark in his eyes as he watched my reaction.

"You have a lot waiting for you at home, Oki: China stole all your socks to honor your memory and photogenic feet; Taiwan, Japan, and North are all prepared to slap some sense into you while crying rivers; and Australia...he's scared. Very scared. Please make out."

The sudden teasing and taunting coming from South caught me off guard, and I felt my cheeks starting to heat up with embarrassment once again. I couldn't believe that Japan, North, and even Australia were all so worried about me that they'd react in such a way-although, I shouldn't be surprised by Japan because she was prone to slapping some sense into me on occasion. But what had scared Australia so badly that he was afraid for me? And... was South seriously asking me to make out with Australia as some sort of "I'm sorry" gesture?

I pull South back into the hug, almost happy I'd survived. In a state of pure disbelief, I wrap my arms around South once again, feeling his warm body embrace me and fill my heart with joy and relief. Despite the amount of emotions swirling around in my mind, I was simply glad that I was alive and okay. I couldn't even process that I had been the one to cause all of this worry and panic-I just felt grateful that I was feeling some semblance of calm.

The Girl by the Sea (Countryhumans AU)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum