Talking, Need to read!!!

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This is for what the symbols I use mean.

The double quotation marks are for talking out loud for Example, " Hello, did you have a good day?"

The single quotation mark is for Talking in your head for Example, 'Did I leave the stove on?', and 'What was her favorite color?'

Parentheses are for me referring to you 🫵 the readers in a sentence.
"Sadly Poland could not into space ( If you get the joke) "

Stars are for POV change.
America's POV
Soviet's POV

Long High fins are for timeskips 😋
Time skip

Stars, croses, pluses, and small high fins are for the end of a chapter,🙃.


I hope you understand my Precious Skittles. Whelp See you In the next chapter😸

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