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It was like any other day packing your clothes into your suitcase to go on vacation until you got a notification from your mom saying "I won't be home for dinner, so you'll have to cook something for yourself"  you replied"okey mom come home safe" "I will hunny later", "later mom" well i guess I'm done packing might as well go cook something oh well, finally finished cooking my food a watched a movie then went to bed (it was a Sunday),(beep ,beep) it's time for school already ( 9:00) oh shit I'm late , hurriedly took a bath and put on my clothes and made some toast (10:30) you got be kidding me how is it moving so fast,I reached at school late cause of the bus and was late for a whole period I manage to get into miss class before attendance and my friends were already here,they weren't bother until miss called my name before I could answer Mira said "miss Penelope is not here " huh girl do you not see me behind you ,i touched the back of her head  with my finger she screamed and jumped out of her seat everyone looked at her i was snickering and said "Penelope is here miss" oh okey "Miya pls sit down"  Miya sat down an turned to me an asked when I got here a few minutes ago soon miss stared the lesson an soon the bell went and break was here we went to break and ate lunch then went to our next period class eventually school finished and we got to go home teasing Miya about second period she kept saying it wasn't funny while we continued laughing until we had to walk our different ways home ,I said bye to them an went inside "I'm home" right mom's at work oh well more time for me ,i change and went to watch a movie an eventually fell asleep the week went by fast and it was soon time to go on summer break and in a flash Summer break was here

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