Chapter 1

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I sprint towards the closing lift doors, the bag full of brushes on my back, jiggling with each hurried step. My father rarely calls for me, and when he does, he never does so personally; he usually enlists my younger brother Pace or his secretary.

Thankfully, I manage to catch the lift just in time. As I hit the 50th floor, I'm reminded that this hotel is my father's, a place where his luck in business deals seems to flourish. Today, he's summoned me for a crucial meeting, although he typically keeps me far from his less savory business affairs, knowing I won't involve myself in his questionable dealings.

At the 42nd floor, the doors slide open and  a man dressed entirely in black, enters. Accompanied by a bunch of imposing figures who I assume are his bodyguards. I instinctively press myself into the corner, making room for their entry. The man at the center of the group is strikingly built, towering over the others with a rugged handsomeness. A cloud of soothing cologne fills the confined space, momentarily distracting me.

The main man' gaze fixates on me, lingering for a few moments. I offer a tentative nod and an awkward smile in return.

"By any chance, are you Pete Sangetham?", His voice is super heavy.

I nod in confirmation, intrigued by his inquiry. "Yes, I am. How do you know?"

"I am Big, Mr. Vegas's head bodyguard," he declares, his voice resonating with sudden softness. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

He bows deeply as if paying respect to one of his boss, a gesture mirrored by his companions. I reciprocate it not to their extent but still...

Chuckling inwardly, I note the aptness of his name, "Big," matching his personality.

As the lift finally reaches its destination, I step out, mentally preparing for the meeting with my father.

I spot Pace outside the meeting room, engrossed in a phone call. As his gaze lands on me, he swiftly ends the call, tucking his phone away. A warm smile graces his lips as he pulls me into a tight hug. Returning the embrace, I'm reminded of the strong bond we share, despite our infrequent meetings. Pace, with his protective nature, often takes the role of the older sibling, even though he's my younger brother. He acts as if he hates me infront of our father to serve as a shield, deflecting attention from his  misdeeds towards me.

Meanwhile, Big and his group have already entered the meeting room. Sensing a shift in Pace's demeanor, I step back, studying his expression. His usually carefree countenance is replaced by a concerned look, his eyes with a hint of worry.

"What's wrong, baby brother?"

Finally meeting my gaze, Pace offers a faint smile. He takes the bag from my backs as he talks.

"I just need you to trust me, phi Pete. Whatever happens in that room, agree to it. Your life will improve after this. You'll have the freedom to pursue your dreams and live up to your expectations."

Confusion clouds my thoughts as I struggle to comprehend his cryptic message.


Before I can voice my confusion, the meeting room door swings open, revealing my father's secretary, who bows respectfully.

"Mr. Pete, your father awaits your presence," he announces.

Glancing back at Pace, I find him avoiding my gaze, his attention fixed elsewhere. With a nod, I acknowledge the secretary and step into the meeting room...

Little did I know that this step will change my whole life. This step will prove all the things said by Pace, true. I didn't realize that within those walls, I would encounter the person who would become my soulmate, the one who would understand me in ways I had never imagined.

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