𝘟𝘝𝘐𝘐𝘐. ɴᴇᴡ ʏᴇᴀʀʼs ᴅᴀʏ

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𐙚ᵈᵉᶜᵉᵐᵇᵉʳ ³¹ ²⁰²²

Daphné woke up in a bad mood.

It was partly because someone had eaten the last donut with red, white and blue sprinkles. And whoever that was wasn't admitting it.

Another reason why was that it was the last day of the year. It made her sad that it went by so quick, and it reminded her about how time goes flying without realizing it until the moment is over. It also made her wonder about how many things she missed out on, and how many things she'll miss out in the future.

But the main reason was Walker. The boy hadn't properly spoken to her since they got off the plane. They filmed scenes for Percy Jackson and the Olympians, but after that they went their own way, not even looking at each other.

That did not go unnoticed from their friends, since they basically live in the same house. They didn't ask anything because it wasn't their business at all.

She genuinely didn't have the guts to ask him about it. Some of her flaws were that she never liked to confront her friends, or anyone really, about mistakes they've done, or that she wasn't good at communicating or sharing her feelings.

Those things caused her and Teresa, her ex-best friend, to grow out and stop talking. She didn't want that to happen with Walker too. She didn't even want to stop being friends with Teresa! But her overthinking always got the best of her and she always regretted it in the end. But she had to just live with it.

𝙎𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙠𝙨 𝙁𝙡𝙮 // Walker Scobell Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant