Chapter 8

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July 12, 2025, 11:25 AM

Jakarta, Indonesia.

It was a peaceful day in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. The people were living their lives as they had been in peace. After the events of 2019, the country lived in fear of the Titans. Fearing that an attack would lead to the destruction of their beloved country. When our current Mothra's egg hatched, she cocooned herself In Jakarta. The people weren't too pleased with a titan that could flatten their country if it wanted to. But when Mothra hatched her presence made the people at ease. But that all changed when he showed up.

Dagon's mind: How much further do I have to go? Feels like I've been looking for weeks.

Dagon was walking through the streets of Indonesia.

Dagon's mind: I don't know why these humans are running. I haven't done anything to them, I guess I'm just that terrifying. 

Dagon continued walking until he suddenly stopped.

Dagon: ...The hell is that sound?

The sound he was hearing was stomping. Loud stomping...

Dagon: Where is that coming from-.

???: What are you doing here?

A voice, a cold voice from behind him asked. That voice... it sounds familiar. 

Dagon turned around, revealing who was talking to him. Just as he expected.

Dagon: Why are you here? 

Godzilla: That doesn't answer my question. Why. Are. You. Here?

Dagon: It doesn't concern you. 

Godzilla: As far as I'm concerned, it is.

Dagon: Well, to bad then. I'm not bothering you am I your "majesty"?

Godzilla: Yes. Yes, you are.

Dagon: Does it look like I'm bothering anybody? I'm just minding my own business.

Godzilla: Was what you did in Arkansas "minding your own business"?

Dagon: I have my reasons.

Godzilla: And what are those reasons?

Dagon: As I said before, they don't concern you.

Godzilla's dorsal spikes started to pulsate blue. Flashing every 3 seconds, it was similar to his intimidation display.

Dagon: *Chuckle* If you think that's going to work on me, you got another thing coming.

Dagon's dorsal spikes started to do the same thing Godzilla's dorsal spike were doing. Tension was in the air, and the people of Jakarta Indonesia know what was about to happen.

(0:01 to 0:06)

Godzilla started to run at Dagon. Dagon cracked his neck, and his eyes flashed red. Godzilla clenched his right fist and swung it forward only for it to be caught by Dagon's left hand.

Godzilla: What the-.

Dagon punched Godzilla in the face knocking him on the ground. Dagon grabbed the back of Godzilla's head and picked him up and headbutted him knocking him back on the ground.

Dagon: *Laugh* You've gotten soft Goji. I always knew you couldn't fight against your own kind and win.

Godzilla got up and ran at Dagon full speed. Dagon tried side-stepping only for Godzilla to grab his waist and spear him through a few buildings.

Godzilla: Unlike you I want to keep the peace on this planet. You know as much as I know that if there was nobody to keep the titans in their place humanity would cease to exist.

Godzilla punched Dagon in the face repeatedly. His claws drawing blood from Dagon's arms shielding his face from the punches. While Godzilla was punching Dagon, he was charging up his up his atomic breath. Godzilla stopped punching Dagon to catch his breath only to be blown back off of him by Dagon's atomic breath. 

Dagon: You talk about humanity as if they like you.

Godzilla grabbed his chest as he attempted to stand up. When he started to stand up, he winched in pain. Just how powerful is this guy...

Godzilla: Humanity may not think highly of me, but they know what will happen if they try to play God. They experienced that already.

Dagon Shaked his head and shot his atomic breath back at Godzilla. His atomic breath pushed Godzilla through buildings, holding his atomic breath as long as possible. When he stopped Godzilla lay where he has not moved, barely breathing.

Dagon: I warned you before, stay out of my way and we won't have any problems. You never always had a hard time following orders.

Dagon turned his back to Godzilla's lifeless body lying on the ground and continued on his way to find Ella. Little did he know, she had seen that whole thing...

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