Chapter 2

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May 12, 2025, 8:00 AM

Ella's private estate: Location, Los Angeles, California.  

Ella was walking around her room with a robe on. The robe sticking to her wet skin, showing off her figure. She walked over to the balcony, leaning on the railing and sipping a cup of wine. She had a remote in her other hand, it had an image of Dagon on the button of the remote of the button. She pressed the button; it made a slight buzzing sound when she released the button, ripples started to form in the ocean in front of her. Shortly after red dorsal spike appeared out of the water. A smile formed on her face seeing the sight in front of her, she brought the remote up to her mouth.

Ella: Come here, please.

A tail appeared out of the water, and shortly after a figure slowly started to rise out of the water. Dagon was looking down at the house where Ella was, he started to walk over to the estate. When he got there, he kneeled and leaned forward to look at Ella.

Dagon: Did you want something?

Ella: No, I just wanted to talk.

Dagon: Talk about what?

Ella: Why are you helping us?

Dagon: I'm not helping anyone else but you.

Ella: My family worked for a organization called Monarch. They have files about all the titans, including you. And I read into your file, and it said you tolerated humanity before you died.

Dagon: I did tolerate humanity because I knew they were no threat to me.

Ella: But with the rest of the titans and with how strong humanity has gotten you still chose to help me.

Dagon: I'm helping you because Goji doesn't deserve the title of King Of The Monsters.

Ella: Why do you think that?

Dagon: He was arrogant, he always disrespected the other Kaiju.

Ella: From the file Monarch has on the Godzilla species, you guys are all arrogant.

Dagon: I'm starting to think you know everything about me and the other Kaiju.

Ella: *Giggle* That's because I do. Are you ready for today?

Dagon: Yeah, I'm ready.

May 12, 2025, 12:00 PM          

San Francisco, California 

Ella was standing on a stage with Micheal and Jeff standing on each side of her. There are thousands of people in crowd. She had the remote she called Dagon with on the stand in front of her.

Ella: I thank you all for coming out today. I was not expecting this many people to show up today. But now it's time to get down to business. As you know, a few years back Walter Simmons and his daughter Maia Simmons were killed by a project called MechaGodzilla. The project became unstable with power and started destroying everything in its path. MechaGodzilla was a project by Apex to become a titan killer. It was designed so humanity to become the apex predator again. For all the people in the world who want's the titan dead, that was the point of MechaGodzilla. To kill the titans if they were to attack humanity again. Especially Godzilla, some of you might think Godzilla and the other titans are peaceful. But they aren't, you've all seen the damage they've caused over the years. For example, the MUTO's and Godzilla destroyed this beautiful city. How about when Godzilla and Kong ravaged Hong Kong? Do you call that peaceful? Thanks to Apex, the city of San Francisco and Hong Kong were rebuilt. To prevent these monsters from damaging these wonderful places and killing millions of people, we've revived a former God.

Ella Picked up the remote and clicked the button, the same buzzing sound from before came from the remote. Just like this morning ripples started to form in the water, red spikes appeared from the water. Ella pointed to water causing the crowd to turn around and look into the water. When they did audible gasps were made from the crowd. Ella brought the remote back up to her mouth. 

Ella: Dagon, introduce yourself to our friends.

On command Dagon rose up from the water, water dripping off him. His red eyes wandering over the crowd, until he spotted Ella. 

Ella: This is a very different Apex, we don't want conflict. Our enemies are watching our every move. They may be watching this right now. We don't care what people think of us. We don't care if you think the titans are peaceful or not. We don't care if you worship them like gods. We are done with these so-called "gods" destroying our planet. If you know what's good for you, it would be best to avoid us. We will not be intimated. We will not back down. We've experienced the damage these titans can do. We don't want to experience that again. If you have a problem with what we're doing, there is one thing I can promise you. We will fight back, and we will stop at nothing to destroy you. And he points at Dagon will make sure our enemies never see the light of day again. I thank you once again for coming out today. I hope you have a wonderful day and remember what was said here today.

Ella walks off stage with Micheal and Jeff following her. When she gets off the stage A few other people walk up to her.

???: Don't you think that was a bit much?

???: Yeah, I'm pretty sure you calling Dagon would've gotten the point across just fine.

Ella: Nonsesne, I had to let the world know we will not be a pushover anymore.

???: Sis, what are you going to do with Dagon?

Ella: I'm going to have him take a little trip over to our friends at Monarch.

???: Is that a good idea?

Ella: Don't worry, he's not going to attack them.

Micheal: For their sake, he better not attack them. Because if her does, there won't be much left.

Ella: That's the point, they need to know who's boss around here.

???: I hope your right sis, because if this goes south, we're going to need you know to help us.

Ella: We won't need him, Dagon is strong enough to deal with them.

Ella's sisters mind: I hope.

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