Truth or dare

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Hello and welcome to another one shot with the Avengers. This is gonna have multiple parts. Hope you like it.


It was another bonding day for the Avengers, when Tony bursted into the room and yelled:,, Truth or dare and nobody's going anywhere!"
The others just groaned, used to Tony's antics. They all settled on the large couch in the living area of the compound. (Picture above)
It was not uncommon for other agents or Avengers to join them, but it seems that today only the original six were there.

Natasha knew that Tony had purposely picked this game, to get as much information or blackmail as possible. She knew he was out to get her because her lifestyle was discrete and very private. They all knew almost none about her interests or live style, which infuriated them. That was funny for her. But the way he always wants to set her up with guys, he bound to be suiting for her, was not. In the beginning she tried it out, she went out with them and found them all boring and plain. It lead to her just going in comfortable clothes instead of pretty tight dresses and makeup. She wanted something challenging, something that gave her goosebumps and an adrenaline boost. After almost 37 dates, given out by Tony himself, she gave up on them until she met a cute girl in a cafe. Her name was Tara and she was sweet and kind, boring sure but she was different. Since then she abandoned the need to date and was happy to be single. Well until she developed a crush on a coworker, said person didn't know about Nat's little teenage crush, oblivious one might say. Natascha Romanoff didn't swing that way and nobody else knew that. Even worse she had a big fat crush on her-kind of- boss and it is not  going away. Believe her she tried, 2 years later and she is in the same misery as before. She was single and wasn't going on dates for the las 2 1/2 years now and to be honest the others are concerned about her lack of -how they put it, but she knows they mean sex- love in her life. That is why every single one of them helped Tony with his shenanigans, to unlock parts of her life that she wanted to keep locked away forever. A part of Natasha was afraid they didn't accept her and that they would punish her if they ever found out. Natasha wondered if they were capable of doing the punishments the red room did in her past. Now her heart began to pound and her hands were a little sweaty, while the others just laughed at the jokes Tony spilled at them.  She was just happy that Wanda was out of town with Vision, she was pretty sure her thoughts were really loud and reeling with anxiety. She felt her hands getting clammy and her body stiffening. That is why she hates the game truth or dare.

Fast forward many people would say Anthony Stark was nosy and all in all very curious. He just couldn't keep his hands to himself or his comments and jokes. They just keep flying out of his mouth, he can't help it. So when he hacked into the phones of the Avengers just for fun, he didn't expect to find something on the badass killer assassin, he was quite frankly shell shocked. Sadly he can't let the others know that he hacked into their phones because that would be "intruding" their privacy. That said, he made sure to disguise it inform of a game. TRUTH OR DARE. He loves this game and wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

Clint Barton knew that Tony was up to something, the moment he stepped out of the elevator. That smug grin and the one raised brow is his giveaway, that is why he always loses by poker. The way his smirk doesn't falter once leads him to believe that it has something to do with one of them, most likely Nat. Tony wants to know everything, every little information on the people he works with. Clint wonders if it was curiosity or paranoia, he wasn't sure. It was very amusing tho, the way Nat went stiff and all assassin mode while Tony was like a little boy in Disneyland. The thought of Tony in a Minnie Mouse costume made him slightly chuckle. This earned a cold glare from Natasha, that made him shiver. Even tho they are best friends, he knew she could kill him every second, if he pulled the wrong one. Even though they are best friends, he only knows her to a certain extent, only the most important things they need to know about themselves. Clint wants to get to know her better, support her and be there for her. That is why he likes the game truth or dare, it opens an opportunity for him to get to know all of them better.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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