What Are Nazgûls?

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Talin's POV

   Strider made me walk right beside him so he could keep an eye on me. I noticed that he always had his hand on his sword hilt probably still thinks I'm a threat but won't say it.

When we stopped to rest for nightfall. We all sat under a huge rock, Strider just left to scout the area. I told the other Hobbits who I now know as Sam, Frodo, Merry and Pippin, that I was going to sleep.

After a while I finally got to sleep but I was woken up by Strider yelling at the Hobbits to put the fire out, I thought I was in danger so I swiftly grabbed my daggers I kept on my thigh but that's when I saw black figures on black horses, I noticed Strider grabbing his sword and tossing the hobbits short swords so I grabbed more daggers and prepared to attack Strider turned to me and said "Protect the Hobbits, and don't get hurt by their blads, no blad can hurt them." When he said that I immediately coded my diggers in darkness. Hopefully no one noticed. As the dark creatures came to attack us I immediately start protecting the Hobbits. I did not notice that one had stabbed Frodo until it was too late ,I immediately ran to his side to fend off the dark creature I saw Strider come and wave fire at the dark creatures, I immediately grabbed Frodo and started running the hobbit followed me and eventually Strider when I found that we were safe I immediately put Frodo down and tried to heal him as it was a dark blade, I found that it was hard for me to heal him and that I couldn't heal it all the way.

We decide to stop and rest for the night for some strange reason it was under trolls. I was trying to make sure that Frodo wouldn't be dying on us, I looked away to get some food from Strider and hopefully if Frodo could eat too. I was talking to Strider and he was telling me about the Nazgûls, when I heard Sam say "Look Mr. Frodo, it's Bilbo's trolls." I thought that was sweet that he was talking to him but then I heard " Mr Frodo, Mr Frodo, Strider!" Sam yelled. I quickly ran over to make sure he was okay Strider looked at him and said "He's passing into the shadow world."

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