
Começar do início

     Saki felt tears stinging at her eyes. She closed them, hanging her head as she began to tremble. Her heart sank low. She wondered how Toya was doing. How her second brother was doing.

     Toya... I hope you finally found something that you love to do. And someone you love as well. I hope you're happy and healthy. I hope you have lots of friends and... And I hope you still remember me.

     The girl's tears began to slip out from beneath her eyelids.

     A comforting arm wrapped itself around Saki's shoulders.

     "You thinking about your brother again?" Lucas said softly, squeezing Saki close as she gave a nod. "Don't worry, sweetheart. I promise we'll find him.

     "Th—Thank you, Lucas..." Saki sobbed into the man's shoulder.

     He smiled as he reassuringly rubbed the girl's shoulder.


     "Let's gooooo!!" Emu shouted, pulling Nene by the arm. "Nene-chaaaaan!! Stop resistinggg!"

     "Noooooo!" Nene whined. "Please, Emu, spare meeee! I'd rather die!"

     "Quit being overdramatic!" Tsukasa groaned.

     "Nene, please come with us," Rui said. "It'll be nice. We won't have to talk to anyone, we're just going to go on a little walk."

     "It's a whole kilometerrr!" Nene cried. "Too much!!"

     "That's not even that much!" Tsukasa said.

     "Yeah, that's a short walk," Rui nodded.

     Nene stuck her tongue out at Tsukasa. "You're lucky that this gayass is agreeing with you, Tsukasa." She said. "You're normally extremely stupid and the fact that you thought Emu liked Rui just proves it."

     Emu giggled.

     "Wha—HEY!" Tsukasa shouted, his face turning red.

     This little—!

     "That 'gayass' part was so uncalled for," Rui said with a frown. "And why did you say that as if it would be disgusting to like me? :("

     "'Cause it is," Nene side eyed Tsukasa.

     He glared at her.

     It's not. It's really not, Nene. Rui is a wonderful person to be in love with.

     "Kusanagi, you must come with us," Shosuke said. "We cannot leave you alone here."

     "Yes, you can!" Nene said.

     "Fine, then!" Emu huffed, crossing her arms in a pout. "Stay here! Alone! Without us!"

     "You're really giving up??" Tsukasa rubbed his temples.

     This is the stupidest argument in the history of ever.

     "It's alright, Tsukasa-kun," Rui sighed. "There's no convincing her otherwise. No need to waste any more energy—and time—on convincing her to come with us."

     "...Fine," Tsukasa turned his head, blushing. "Only because you said so."

     Rui smiled at the blonde. "Great," He said. "See you later, Nene."

     "Really?" Nene said, looking relieved as she plopped onto the couch of the hotel room. "Oh, yes! Now I can rot in peace!"

     "Nooo!" Emu whined. "Nene-chan! Pleeeaaase!!!!"

Rumours ~ RuikasaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora