chapter 20

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(A/N: I forgot some of the names for the old group so we will have Jess (new leader) Stacy, angel, and Katie)

You all drive there, giggling and goofing off. The driver parks in the lot and you all pile out smiling and laughing.

Changbin: y/n, listen.

He pulls you off to the side.

Y/n: what's wrong bin?

Changbin: it doesn't matter what anyone says, we are glad to have you here and I'm glad you've joined us, it makes me really happy to have you around.

Y/n: awww bin thank you.

Lee know walks over to you. He looks upset.

Y/n: Minho?

Minho: we need to go.

Changbin: but we haven't even don't the interview yet.

Everyone walks to you and you look around confused.

Y/n: what's going on.

Chan: well, y/n what they didn't tell us is that this is a joined interview.

Y/n: ok? Chan I don't mind being with another group for an interview.

Seungmin: no, y/n this isn't just any group.

Y/n: I don't understand is it from another company or something?

Jeongin: y/n, it's your old group.

(A/N: I honestly don't remember if I gave this group a name, it's been a while and I don't even remember all the names I had)

Y/n: oh, well uh, that doesn't matter let's just get it over with.

Chan nods and everyone walks into the room.

Stacy smiles and looks up when you walk in.

Stacy: y/n hey why haven't you answered my texts.

The interviewer looks up and signals the camera.

Changbin and Chan look over to the man and he looks down a bit.

Y/n: just been busy, sorry Stacy.

Jess: well thanks to me we can keep our group alive.

You bite your tongue and just smile.

The interviewer smiles and has everyone sit.

(A/N: we're gonna call the interviewer Chad)

Chad: well y/n, how does it feel?

Y/n: pardon?

Chad: well you were removed from your group and started in an all boys group. The people want to know what's been going on, why leave?

Chan leans forward and smiles.

Chan: well you see, we had been looking for a new member after we recently lost one, he was a good friend to us and we needed someone to bring in a new voice. Y/n here had the voice we are looking for.

Jeongin: yeah y/n has been super helpful with our songs and always helping out around the house.

Felix: yeah and god knows we need he.

Everyone laughs a little.

Chad: so Jess, what do you think about this abrupt change?

Jess: well you see sir, y/n was never like that with us.

You turn and look at her trying to keep calm.

Stacy: y/n did help out around the house, she was an amazing leader and I'm happy that she found another group.

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