Chapter 3: What he wants, he gets

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Is this what my life will be from now on?
I could feel the strong arm wrapped around my neck.
A warm body leans towards me, treating me like a convenient armrest.
Nate is having a conversation with one of his jock friends while holding me tight between one of his arms.

God, please save me. (or don't 🫣)

I was still mauling in my thoughts when I felt a hand rummaging through my pocket.
"Hey, where is the candy?"
I gave him my death stare while putting my hand in my left pocket and taking out a Daifuku flavour kit kat.
"Here, now let me go, I'm halfway from suffocating to death right now."

"Nah, don't want to."
I grip the arm around me.
"Why the fuck not"
Oh shit...
His eyes turn towards me, his cold gaze contrasting with the warmth of his body.
"Because I fucking could, now stay still You're pissing me off"

I chew on my lips.
What did I do to deserve this?
I opened the Kit Kat packaging and handed one of them to Nate.
He took it from my hand and bit into it.
I then shove one of them into my mouth.
This has been going on for 4 weeks.
He would come to me, hug me, hold my hand or just grab me. And reminds me of the promise I made to give him candies.

At first, I was worried about what Cassie would think of Nate grabbing me like that. But she didn't do anything. Almost as if she's used to it. Of Nate pulling mind game shit like this on her.
That thought sends chills down my spine.
It dawned on me that I was squished in the middle of this game.
I am now a part of this game and not a fun bystander anymore.
And there's not much I could do about it.

This sucks.
I rest my head on his arm in defeat.
Then the bell rang.
Thank god! Thank you!
"We're in the same English literature class so don't look so relief now"
I turned to face him in horror.
"Seriously why can't you just let girl be happy?"
He tilts his head and looks as if he's in deep thought.
"No no, don't start thinking about it now please, shit just gonna make me late for class."
"I felt like I'm starting to get the answer"
He said with a short laugh at the end.
"Realllyyy, let's go to class"
He loosen the arm around me and let me walk in front of him.

"Are you ok Nate?"
"Then why are you still holding my wrist, I want to go eat with my friends"
I'm starting to think he gets off doing this.
"Come sit with me"
"You mean with your girlfriend and rugby teammates?"
He rolled his eyes.
"Who else? "
"I reject"
"I reject your rejection"
"You can't do that!"
Why is he being like thissss
"I think I'll buy the sandwich for today"
He pulled me with him while I followed like an inmate walking to her death row.

He sat me down on the table
"Stay. Here"
And off he went to get food.
I started fidgeting with my finger, I could feel their curious stare on me.
Cassie spoke up first.
"Hey, you're y/n, right? Lately, I've been seeing you with Nate often. It's pretty odd for Nate to hit it off this quickly with someone."
She brushes her hair behind her shoulder, she's gorgeous. Nate is lucky to be able to hit that.
Her low-cut top is very distracting for me.
"Yeah, I don't really know why, so if you can ask Nate to stop that would be great"
I opened my lunchbox and was greeted by the sight of an omurice with a side of octopus-shaped sausage.
I scooped the rice into the spoon and started digging in.
"No one can stop Nate when he's like that, you know by this point how intense he can be"
I glimpse up from my food to see Cassie twirling with the straw of her drink, her eyes clouding with sadness.
I gulped down my food in guilt.
"I'm gonna lea-"
"Hey, what's that?"
Nate is sitting next to me, his sandwich in hand. His eyes were on my lunchbox.
"It's an omurice, basically fried rice wrapped in eggs"
"Hmmm, give me some"
I pushed the lunchbox to him and he picked up the spoon I used before and scooped some rice into his mouth.
"How is it?"
I took back my spoon and lunch from him.
"Good, kinda heavy for me"
"Well I guess fried rice is more of a dinner for you, it is pretty oily"
He licked the tomato sos that stuck in the corner of his mouth.
"Yeah, you should bring bread base lunch next time"
"I'll consider it"
I said mid-chewing.
It's easier to make a bread-based lunch anyway, at least now I have tomorrow's lunch menu settled.
He then continued talking to his friends and girlfriend.
One thing I realised is that his friends completely ignored me, only Cassie was willing to engage in conversation with me.
"Nate you coming to Lisa's birthday party tonight? Shit's gonna be lit, bro!"
One of Nate's friends spoke up.
"Yeah, you're coming to Baby, I'll pick you up at 9"
Cassie looks up and smiles sweetly.
"Sure, I already got my party dress ready"
"You'll look hot in anything you wear"
Cassie grinned happy for Nate's approval.
I feel a large hand on my back and look up towards Nate in panic.
"You should come to the party too. C'mon, live a little"
He said while smirking towards me.
"My dad will kill me if he knows I went to one"
"Then just make sure he doesn't know, I want to see you there, if I don't, I expect you to have a good reason why"
His hand went away from my back.
"You'll hurt my feelings if you don't go"
He gives me his signature death stare the one that he knows would get anything out of me.
"I'll go ok? It's not like my dad gonna murder me or anything if I go"
I huffed.
Fuck my dad soooo gonna murder me if he knows.
Do I even have a dress for the party?
He leaned his face down towards me, and I could feel his breath next to my ear.
The bell rung and I'm fucked.

The chocolate for today!:

The chocolate for today!:

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