Chapter Twenty-Three: Pressure

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Over the last month, the streets of Paris have become my magical playground. Filming my first action film has been an exhilarating experience, especially with my lover by my side and a dedicated cast and crew. Throughout my career, I've encountered only a few films with an environment free from toxicity, where the art of acting is genuinely valued over personal gain. The Forsaken Vow is one of those rare phenomena where everything feels ordained, and its abundant success seems inevitable. Someone will win an Academy Award for their role in the developing motion picture, and there's a strong possibility that it will be my angel.

Amel's battle with MS remains unknown to everyone except a few authorized individuals. The sharp contrast between her impressive power and agility in action scenes and her subsequent struggle with health issues is both jarring and incredibly inspiring. Somehow, she unfailingly rejuvenates herself, ready to confront the next day's challenges of battling villains on moving trains, tumbling down staircases, and executing heart-stopping car-chases.

After enduring strenuous sequences, Amel frequently seeks solace in my hotel suite, a space that has essentially become her own. Without hesitation, she sheds her clothes and vanishes into a long, steamy shower, often lingering to the point where I worry she might have lost consciousness. It's as if she times her emergence precisely as I'm about to burst through the door, typically greeting me with a faint yet knowing smile. Once she's washed away the grime of her exhausting day, she reclines on the bed, allowing me to moisturize and massage her chiseled and bruised frame.

I've worked with several stunt performers, but Amel stands out as the boldest and most skilled. Her dedication to her acting surpasses mere action; it shines through the camera lenses even in ordinary scenes. While Amel and Vixen have similar personalities, Vixen exudes a more reserved demeanor and notably lacks the endearing Southern accent. When we share the screen, I no longer see my partner; instead, I'm captivated by the character she embodies. The love Nova harbors for Vixen echoes the depth of my affection for Amel, and the mutual chemistry jumps through the screen.

Whenever the film debuts in theaters, sapphics worldwide are sure to go wild. Their admiration for Amel's undeniable allure will undoubtedly manifest in fan edits and captions overflowing with excitement.

For now, she's entirely mine to marvel at and get excited about. For the past three weeks, our rekindled romance has been flourishing, with our bond strengthening day by day. Disagreements are a rarity, and the ones we've had are trivial, like the ranking of Rihanna's albums. Our family and friends have been our cheerleaders, their support breathing life into our reignited romance. Wrapped in Amel's care, I've come to perceive the incredible feeling of a love that sets my bones on fire and calms the depths of my being. Though our reconciliation is basically private, I'm prepared to proclaim our love to the general public. As our chapter in Paris draws to a close, the ideal opportunity to share our love has arisen.

"Are you sure?" Amel asks. They crane their neck to get a good look at me as I lay on their sweaty chest. I nod at their parted lips. Their tender caress on my bare shoulder pauses briefly before continuing. "I don't know, Ci."

"What do you mean you don't know?" I ask. I'm attempting to hold back a frown, but I don't think I'm being very successful.

"We've been doing well with just us and our loved ones knowing we're together. Including the entire world in our business could cause some issues we're unprepared for."

As I lift myself, my elbow sinks into the mattress. "What problems? And they wouldn't be in our business. It's simply updating our relationship status."

"It's not that simple, boo. People will always be nosy about what we have going on, always pushing narratives, and that's the same shit that ruined us the first time."

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