Gravity's Fault

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"Lily Jameson." I shake his hand.

"... Jameson?" He looks at me with sudden realization, glancing between my face and the broken camera in my hands. "That D750... you said it doesn't belong to you?"

"No... it's my dad's actually." I respond with uncertainty prompted by his change in expression.

It's silent for a second.

"You're J. Jonah. Jameson's daughter." He states.

"Yeah... how'd you..." I stand there a bit stunned, unsure how else to respond.

"In that case, I just broke my boss's camera."

"Your.. boss's?" My eyes widen. "You work for my dad? At the Daily Bugle?"

"Yes, it's only been about half a year now," he sighs, "though I'm sure this incident is likely to get me fired."

"I'm not going to tell him you broke it," I return. "Besides, you didn't really break it. It was an accident. I blame gravity."

"Do you work at the Daily Bugle too then?" He eyes the camera in my hands again.

"Like I said, long story."

A fed-up worker from Olive Garden finally pushes us out of the entrance way. I check my phone for the time. I should be getting home soon, otherwise my father will worry where I am.

"Well, I owe you a one, Lily," Peter says. "So if you ever need anything, let me know."

"Thanks." I smile.

"And for what it's worth it was nice to meet you." He adds.

"You too..." I watch as he turns to leave.

Then a thought pops into my head.

"Wait!" I call after him.

"Actually, there is one thing you could do..."

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