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Hi! How is everyone doing?

I hope you've all been enjoying this story as much as I have. Thank you for all the kudos and comments, they always bring a smile to my face whenever I see the notification.

With this chapter, the second act is over. Now, as much as I would love to continue with these bi-weekly updates, I've been feeling burned out with this story lately. As such I will be taking a small break before going back to finish it. Don't worry, it will be a month or two at most.

Thank you all for your support and please comment!


Jason's heart raced as he sprinted through the bustling streets of New Rome, his mind consumed with worry. He finally reached Nico's villa, a stunning structure gifted to him by the King of the Underworld after being bestowed by the title of Ambassador of Pluto.

The villa stood proudly, like a piece of ancient Italy nestled in New Rome. Its rugged stone walls and quaint details gave it a rustic, timeless appeal. The front garden was a riot of color, bursting with flowers that were worthy of the champion of the Goddess of Spring. It was like a slice of paradise in the middle of the city, but Jason barely spared a glance for its beauty as he burst through the door, his concern for Nico outweighing the awe that normally befell him whenever he was in the vicinity of the Italian villa.

Normally Jason was greeted by a warm, inviting atmosphere, as the rooms were spacious and filled with character, adorned with antique furniture and vibrant tapestries that hinted at a rich history. However, this time, as Jason barged in, the air now was thick with tension, and his senses were on high alert. He called out Nico's name, his voice echoing through the spacious rooms, but there was no response. Panic gnawed at his gut as he raced from room to room, searching for any sign of the Ambassador.

Finally, he found Nico in the dimly lit study, hunched over a pile of scrolls with furrowed brows. Relief flooded Jason as he rushed to Nico's side, his worry dissipating in the presence of the other boy.

"Ambassador, are you okay?" Jason asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Nico looked up, a tired smile gracing his lips. "Hey, Jason. Yeah, I'm fine. Just buried under a mountain of paperwork."

Jason's worry deepened as he listened to Nico's explanation. "But you should be resting, Ambassador," he insisted, his brow furrowed with concern. "You've been through a lot, and you need to take care of yourself."

"For the love of the Underworld, call me Nico. We are cousins, Jason," Nico chuckled tiredly, shaking his head. "Also, I appreciate the concern, I really do. But I can't just sit around twiddling my thumbs," he replied, his tone laced with frustration. "Being stuck in the Underworld for most of the summer was bad enough. I missed out on so much, and now that I'm back, I want to make sure everything's in order before the new school year starts."

Jason sighed, understanding Nico's determination but still worried about his well-being. "I get it, Nico. But you need to take care of yourself too," he insisted, his voice gentle but firm. "You've been through a lot and pushing yourself too hard won't do you any favors."

Nico's tired smile softened, and he nodded in acknowledgment. "I know," he admitted, his exhaustion evident in every line of his face. "I promise I'll take it easy once I get through this mountain of paperwork."

Jason smiled back, relieved to see Nico at least acknowledging the need for self-care. "That's all I ask," he said, his voice warm.

Nico leaned back in his chair, running a hand through his hair as he shifted gears from idle conversation to business mode. "So, Jason," he began, his tone serious yet tinged with gratitude, "how are the temples coming along? Any hiccups while I've been... indisposed?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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