Chapter 76

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     Branch couldn't help but yawn as he slumped out of the kitchen after preparing dinner for everyone... his social battery completely drained after all the chaotic 'games' the group had forced him to participate in...

     Like... seriously! Who the hair thought that bungee jumping down the bunker elevator shaft with a rope was a good idea!?

     "Alright... I think it's time for bed..." the survivalist grumbled in slight frustration, on the verge of a classic Branch freak out as he rubbed his weary eyes, overly exhausted from the day's events and feeling as if one wrong word would send him into an absolute screaming frenzy. Like... not even exaggerating... Branch honestly felt that if he had to participate in one more 'fun' activity tonight... he would literally just drop down dead... "Night..." He let out another yawn as he headed groggily towards his room...

     "Wait, Branch! Where are you going, man!?" DJ called out after him with a smile, Branch simply turning back to her with a groggy look in his eye. "I literally just said I was going to bed..." he replied, too tired to even attempt to hide his annoyance.

     "But it's a slumber paaaaaaaaatyyyyyy!!!!" Guy sang out obnoxiously in his auto tune voice, Branch covering his ears tight as it was a bit too loud for him. "We still have to tell scary stories! And play truth or daaaaaaare!"

     "Plus..." Chenille added.
"You can't sleep in your own room during a slumber party!" Satin continued.
"You've gotta sleep in a sleeping bag!" Chenille finished before both twins spoke as one. "That's the fun of it!"

     Branch blinked slowly... staring blankly at his group of friends for a long moment of silence before finally letting out a long groan of defeat... rubbing his hands exasperatedly over his face...

     "I'll go get another sleeping bag..." he grumbled in frustration as a chorus of cheers suddenly rang out from the fun loving trolls he was now regretting to have allowed down into his beloved bunker in the first place... the former village grump trudging off into the back hall...


Poppy hummed softly to herself as she carefully set up her own special sleeping bag which she always carried around with her just in case of an impromptu sleepover 'emergency'... Branch wasn't the only Troll who could be crazy prepared after all...

She finished setting up her sleeping arrangements for the night, smiling wide as she turned to her group of friends who were now sitting in the sleeping bags they had claim for Branch's bunker sleepover bash... the Snack Pack all gathered around a flashlight Guy had placed in the center of their circle to emulate a campfire...

But... as she looked around the chatting Trolls... she quickly noticed one was missing...

"Hey, guys?" she called over to the others, interrupting their current conversation about something called 'The Extreme Sleepover Club' and 'initiations for new members'... "Has anyone seen Branch...?"

     "Oh... he went to get another sleeping bag," Guy shrugged. "But he's been gone for quite a while..."

     A while...? It shouldn't take long to get a seeping bag... should it...?

     Then again... Branch's bunker was pretty big... the whole village could probably fit down here if they needed to... maybe he just forgot where he kept them...?

Curse of the Weretroll (rewrite)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora