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Hiii :) This is Cat. For those of you who have read this story, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. I know, I know, I said I wouldn't update until next week (new parts come out every Thursday!) But I've decided to post these short filler stories from different POV's (mostly Ani's) to  spice things up. This chapter is dedicated to @Malice66 thank you from the bottom of my heart for that kind comment !!!

From the moment their lips connected, Anadil knew they would never work out. But she kept pushing through, forgiving Hester every time she hurt her. Loving her despite her flaws. Letting her see the parts of her that were protected by metal walls, so high, impossible to break through. Yet Hester did just that with her sharp mouth, evil smirk, and badass persona.

As she sat on the cold grounds of her rooms, she allowed herself to break down like never before. Her heart was ripping apart second by second. Suddenly she couldn't breathe. So frozen with a wrenching pain she knew all too well. It consumed her like a monster. Tears fell down her face faster than she could register. The other side of the door, she could hear Hester clawing at her, begging for her forgiveness.

She wanted to crash open the door. She wanted to kiss her like there was no tomorrow, like they were going to die. Anadil wanted to take in every part of Hester- But being with Hester pushed at every inch of her morals. She couldn't love. Letting Hester into the core of her heart would only make pushing her out harder. Isn't this how it ended every single time? she thought to herself. Anadil promptly ignored Hester from the other side and Dot's clambering in the kitchen downstairs. Mother was right. You are unlovable. Awful. Disgusting. Worthless.




In a swift jab, the door handle clicked open behind her. She jumped, pressing against the wall, staring at a tear streaked Hester, mascara, lipstick running down her face like a ghost. Her flinty black eyes pierced into her own, so much regret behind them. 

Just like that she could feel her metal walls breaking down one brick at a time.

No words needed to be spoken between them. Just the warmth of each other's body pressed against each other, Hester's lips grazing her cheekbones. If this was love, she didn't know what to think of it. She thought of Hester as the open flames of a hearth. Herself as ice. Fire consumes ice, each time no matter how thick it builds its walls. And once more, fire got the best of her.

"I'm sorry Ani. I love you."

Somehow, that broke her heart even more. 

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