Prologue: Abrupt End

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Note: The story you are reading is  owned by me. And is non-canon, this is my own take on the storyline.
The rights to Hazbin hotel belong
Vivienne Medrano

(Y/n is the one in the picture, yes I drew that not the background tho)

Y/n Narrating:

The world is a big place, even we as humans don't fully understand our capabilities in the modern world.

We always strive to do more in life, pushing ourselves to the limit and sometimes past it.

The things I've learned over the years of my life are safe to say normal, it's a rollercoaster of feelings and trauma.

But even now I didn't give up hope for a better future for me, and neither did my family. I've always been a wild card in life, never knowing where my path would lead me but now, I accept full what ever comes my way,l. Nothing can stop me if I put my will and resolve to what I'm trying to achieve. My grandpa taught me that.

But yet even after pushing my limits, I've always felt I had a higher purpose in my life, always empty never being full, but yet I still stand l, one day I hope to find my purpose in the world.

This is My Story

(Scene Change)

On the bus, 20 students were sitting in seats after about 5 grueling hours they had finally made it to the destination for this college trip: Minnesota National park.
This trip was for scholarship students that had a 3.5 GPA, and or Honor students.

This was organized by the Dean of the university of Florida.As a way for students to wind down for all the tests recently, I was one of those students...

Teacher: Alright Students! We have successfully arrived at our destination and are on route to go to the camping grounds for the national park!

Student#1: Fucking finally

Student#2: my ass hurts

FemaleStudents#3: is their a gift shop?!

It's safe to say most of the students were all tired and bored of the ride hell I fucking was, worst five hours of my life sadly for me it was gonna get worse

After everyone was off the bus we all got our things and dropped them off at the Campgrounds

Y/n Pov

Y/n:Damn it, why did I let my mom pack all this bullshit for me, Meds,bmt asthma pump,  is this a Fucking Med kit!?

*Pulls out big med kit*

Y/n: gee talk about overprotective, fuck

???: yo!

Y/n: Huh?

I turned around and saw my friend Jeremy
He walk up to me and snapped me up(it was crisp)

Y/n: oh shit what up?

Jeremy:nothing much bro, bus ride was ass tho

Y/n: I know right, my mom packed a fuckin med bag

Jeremy: Damn that alot of shit, might need it tho never know what might happen

Me and Jeremy started to walk to the campground and listened to the Teacher in charge give us the rules and other stuff

Teacher: alright students, since we have the rules out of the way, you may explore the park to you're hearts content,but remember to be here by 10pm, not after you're all adults, be safe that's all for now!

Death Of a Sinner (Hazbin hotel x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now