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NAME: Y/n Tatsuma

Nickname: "Zy"


Born: 2/3/1999


Gender: Male

Sexuality: straight

Sinner: Goat

Sin: ???

Likes: helping people, Charlie, Vaggie, Angel dust, Lucifer, Alastor, Nifty, Husk, Chili dogs(Favorite food btw),his scythe.

Dislikes: Heavens Reason for exterminations,
Adam, People hurting his friends, the Person who killed him, School(who doesn't), Valentino(cuz fuck him)

Backstory: as a prosperous college student, Majoring in art/animation, he was given the opportunity to go on a College trip to Minnesota.

where he was in a hiking trail as the chaperones gave students a few hours to explore the national park they were in, Y/n unknowingly stumbled on to a hunting zone where he was shot and killed by a hunter l by shotgun to the guts, reason why the hunter killed Y/n was because he scared away a deer That he was hunting(it was not that deep bruh). Y/n's parents sued the school after his death for negligence.

while the hunter that killed Y/n was sentenced to Life in prison, Y/n's parents spread his ashes in Kyoto, at Y/n's favorite shrine with a cherry blossom tree, hoping he would rest in peace, They were wrong.

Quote by Y/n: "It doesn't matter how hard you're dream may be, if you have the will and resolve to fulfill that dream, you can do anything"

Weapon: Scythe(Name: Blaze)

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