Part 3 - "A Look in the Reflection"

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"Whoa. You weren't kidding..." Cyrus remarked. The six of them entered the elevator, with Agent 4 entering last. What they saw was...not a drastic change, but it was definitely different from before.

The elevator was bigger, almost like Smollusk knew there would be six people instead of four people this time around. That made sense, given the fact that it designed each floor with six people in mind - including two of them in the elevator.
It left Agent 4 wondering - does Smollusk want them and Cyrus to return as well? Does it consider them part of the "goody-goody"s now?
They didn't want to think of it. Despite Pearl and Marina's (and possibly Acht's and Agent 8's) apparent fondness towards Smollusk, Smollusk creeped them out.
Regardless, there were two digital panels on either side of the elevator's doors. It looked like a virtual game of Table Turf, almost...

"Yeah," Acht replied. "Marina and I will stay here and do the elevator puzzles. Marina's smart, and I can't exactly help you guys on the field because of my ink texture."
"And that leaves Agent 8 and I to take down each level like CHAMPS!" Pearl loudly declared.

Agent 8 heard Marina whisper, "she's soooo cool..."
They looked at Agent 4 to see if they heard that.
It didn't look like they did.
Acht, on the other hand, made eye contact and nodded. Agent 8 nodded back.

"...Oh, and I guess Agent 4 and H4CKER can do it, too..." Pearl spoke as if they were an afterthought when the two of them both knew it was a thinly-veiled jab at them.
"But if they need our HELP..."

Agent 4's face went red in frustration, but Cyrus just tilted his head at them with a small smile as if to say, just let it be.

"Well, we're on Floor 1," Acht stated. They leaned against the elevator wall, as they often do, and when the elevator doors opened, the two screens on either sides started to glow.
"We'll get started on these. Good luck, you four."
"Good luck to you too, Acht." Cyrus replied, "Oh, and I guess Marina can do it too..."

And there it was. The 'revenge' on Pearl.

Agent 8 and Agent 4 just looked at one another with awkward expressions.
Neither of them liked this.

"That's right, I can do this! And I could probably do it much faster than you can, too!" She pouted.
"Maybe," Cyrus shrugged, "I'd take you up on that. But right now I have to go save the Memverse. Y'know, the world you created?"

Agent 4 sighed and very gently started pushing him out of the elevator.

"Bye," Acht said, definitely relieved it was over.

And so, the four of them made it to Floor One.

Floor One -
[ Split-Pathways_Mirrored.Floor]

When the group exited the elevator, they were immediately transported to each side of the stage - Agent 8 and Pearl on the right, and Agent 4 and Cyrus on the left.

"Whoa," he stumbled, "disorienting."
Agent 4 nodded. Being teleported is surprisingly nauseating. Good thing it was only a simulation...

The two of them looked around. To Agent 4's surprise, it didn't really look like the inside of the Spire of Order at all.
The room was dimly lit with small, orange-yellowish lamps on the distant walls - bright enough to see the stage, but still relatively dark to the point where you couldn't see much outside of it. The surrounding area was almost pitch black...
The stage itself was more of a golden color, and separating one half of it from the other was a giant wall.

Chasing Chaos - An Order Up SequelWhere stories live. Discover now