Chapter Four - Crowley's POV

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It's not that the demon disagreed with the new living arrangements or felt uneasy. But rather, there were bigger internal issues. You must understand that it was not at all common for demons to show emotion. Obviously when the overthinking began, I ran away with the Bentley. And now, I'm swerving around street corners with tears forming.

"Emotions, so silly." I scoffed under my breath.

But the thoughts kept hitting me like a train, and I eventually lost composure. I pulled to the side of a curb, and sobbed.

Why was I too broken to love? Why couldn't I let this one good thing happen. That was my wish, to be at my Angel's side, being together. But now it was all over, and I had ruined it.

Somewhere deep in my mind, I was scared. No, terrified of being hurt again. That day in the bookshop where they argued about Aziraphale going off into heaven and the fight under the gazebo. The words 'I never even liked you!' filled my mind like waves of the ocean.

I was scared to love again. I put my heart out, bare and open, for the first time in my damned life. All for Aziraphale to hurt me again, and to leave pain.

God, why is this so damn difficult.

"Can't be hurt, if you stay away, and guard yourself. Yes, that's what I'll do" I said, muttering to myself, or perhaps the Bentley.

Meanwhile at the bookshop, Aziraphale stood with his one hand clasped over his mouth, as he stood by the window. As each car passed, he wished it would be Crowley coming to say he was wrong. But as the sun went down, it became quite obvious that it was all wishful thinking.

"Where's dad?" A small voice said from the shadows.

Aziraphale looked up from his cup of tea, "I don't know dear."

They looked rather worried, and knew something was not right. But little did they know the Metatron was watching from above, and was plotting a plan. 

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