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"I... I forgive you." Aziraphale said, his tear-ridden eyes going blurry. A beat of silence stood between them before Crowley exhaled ever so slightly, saying, "Don't bother." He strode out of the bookshop without looking back.

Aziraphale stood still with his arms at the sides of his hips. The tears fell from their resting place. There was now a big lump at the back of his throat as he stopped himself from breaking down.

What have I done?

The demon, his demon, had just walked out of the bookshop with no plans of ever returning. Whenever Crowley left, Aziraphale was comforted by the fact he would come back- either to crash on the couch after a long day, or discuss Armageddon. The point was, he always came back.

A slight jingle of a bell rang from the doors at the front of the shop. Aziraphale's last strand of hope broke when he saw The Metatron. The Metaron walked over to him with a slight grin, offering his hand out. His hand slightly retracted after noticing the slight discomfort on the angel's face.

"I've got Muriel to take over the bookshop, there's nothing to worry about!"

The angel looked away, his eyes darting over towards the window where Crowley could be seen standing at the side of the Bentley. His heart was pounding, you could hear it from a mile away.

"B-b.. but what about.. Crowley..? I cannot leave him here." Aziraphale let out.

"You did everything you could, he was always stubborn like that- always wanting his way. But God has offered you a wonderful position in Heaven. You don't need that silly demon companion of yours. You know, it always made me go into a fit of giggles, a demon and an angel together. How silly."

At first, it sounded silly, an angel and demon being together. Two fighting forces together. But over the years, though it was mainly full of bickering and arguments, there were sweet moments. Long walks through the park and dinner at the Ritz. Yet here Aziraphale was, tossing it aside as if none of that mattered.

The Metatron stood impatiently, tapping his foot on the ground, making Aziraphale more and more anxious by the second.

"I'm deeply sorry, but you'll need to excuse me. I've changed my mind. But thank you for thinking of me." Aziraphale said as he dashed out of the bookshop.


Crowley stood nonchalant at the side of the Bentley, arms crossed, his eyes hidden behind glasses. No one knew if the demon had shed a tear or two as he stood there emotionless.

His thoughts were bouncing around, feeling empty, because his companion, his other side, from over the years, was gone.

Suddenly, from behind, he heard shoes hitting against the asphalt and tired breaths. Crowley sighed and started grumbling.

"Listen, I've had a bad day and really don't care for some strangers- "

"Crowley! Oh, Crowley!" Aziraphale cried as he gave Crowley a tight squeeze.

Crowley stood for seconds in shock before quickly wrapping his arms around Aziraphale.

"Angel, what are you- "

"Heaven is a place on earth with you," Aziraphale said, his voice laced with love and honesty.

No further words were exchanged. After spending eternity with each other, actions found themselves to be more meaningful than words at this moment.

The Metatron stood in the bookshop, watching them reunite.

Our Eternal LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora