Chapter Two

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It was the next morning, and both Nina and Maggie were found behind the counter busily making coffee orders at one of the most popular coffee shops in town, 'Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death'.

The two had just got back from their honeymoon in Scotland. They were weary at first because it was Crowley who had suggested the location. But alas, the second they arrived, they fell in love. After spending two weeks in, arguably, the most beautiful place in the world, it was hard being back at work.

The angel, demon, and their child, Muriel, sat around a wooden table awaiting their order.

"Here are your eccles cakes, four shots of espresso for Crowley, and your two cups of herbal tea. It is quite lovely to see you all again, might I add!" Nina said with a wide smile.

Aziraphale looked up, returning the smile. "It is lovely to see you and Maggie together as well, dear."

It was a beautiful morning- people rushing across the street, going in and out of shops. After that night with Hell, in the bookshop, everyone seemed to have forgotten everything, and life went back to normal. A new kind of normal. Everyone could be at peace and would no longer have to worry about the end of the world. They all could go on with their lives as before.

While the new family enjoyed their morning treat, someone was watching them. Not anyone in human form, no. But rather lurking behind dark shadows from above.

The Metatron stood with his arms crossed and his face covered with a nasty look. He was looking down at Earth, Central London, watching the angel's every move. Call it obsessive, stalking, or overall strange, but the Metatron had not gone over what happened. He had depended on Aziraphale and entrusted him with an amazing offer.

"Gave it all up to be with that demon, Crowley. Doesn't make sense. He could have been first in command, a position that was almost as high as God's!"

"It is quite strange, I do agree. It's not like him at all. Makes you wonder what really happened.." An unknown voice said.

The Metatron quickly turned around and was surprised. It was Hastur. Not the most well-known demon in head offices, but here and there made an appearance.

"What did you say?" The Metatron asked.

"It's nothing like Aziraphale, nor Crowley. You do know that Crowley was offered quite the position downstairs as well. But instead, chose an earthly lifestyle over it?"

The Metatron scoffed as he took this new information into his brain.

"What are we going to do?" Hastur growled.

The Metatron shrugged with a devious glint in his eyes.

Hastur let out a deep sigh, saying, "We cannot let the both of them get away with this!"

The Metatron looked down at the earth and mumbled something softly.

"I may have a plan." 

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