(This chapter was written while I was in a panic attack like state and trying to deal with so many emotions at the same time, so please don't hate on any grammar mistakes TwT)

"So like, I guess they call it the sophomore slump." I hummed, walking through the grounds of Grey Academy. The early morning sun smiled over the horizon, the clouds waving lazily to the sun and the ground as they flew around. My earbud's cord swayed around my face, tangling with the burnt umber curls framing it. "Always crying and always drunk."

"A few dead, more gone, the rest well on their way." A girl smiled back, her blue hair obscuring most of her face. She was pouring over a notebook, scribbling down notes in the dawn sun faster than I'd ever seen anyone write anything in my entire life.

"Thanks, I hate it." I chuckled, jumping onto the railing beside her, and throwing my bag on the floor at my feet. "You got a name?" I smiled.

"Depends if you've got one." She retorted, a childish air of happiness in her voice. The air of happiness didn't reach her eyes, however. They looked tired, like they hadn't had time to rest in years.

"I asked you first, cutie." I smiled, causing a faint red pigment to creep onto the strangers face.

"Shuddup." She mumbled before looking me in the eyes. "Names Luna. You can just call me L, though." She added hurriedly, turning back to her notebook and doodling a group of little stars in the corner.

Instantly, I knew she was gonna be my friend, and I will adopt this sad little witch if it's the last thing I ever do.

The weeks went by, and L and I became best friends. She introduced me to her... 'friend', Kai. Kai obviously has a crush on her, but she doesn't notice, and it's so cute to watch. I sketched the pair while she and Kai chatted in the autumn moonlight. We gradually broke our walls down and became really good friends. Better than any friends I've ever seen, anyway.

But it was in the morning of the first of November when our first possible obstacle appeared.

I pulled a deep blue dressing gown on, grabbing my wash bag and making my way to the Conifer block communal bathroom. It's not like Yoshino or Sycamore where they get their own bathrooms. Sure, I've got the money to be in the rooms with ensuites, but I'd rather waste my money on art supplies than a solo bathroom, than you very much.

When I entered, L was in there, her hair in a ponytail, scissors poised just above the bobble, eyes closed. Her fingers trembled against the handle as she sighed, opening her eyes. She caught sight of me in the mirror, eyes widening.

"Ziynab..." She said, frozen in place. I put the washbag down, smiling slightly.

"Hey, L..." I said. "Should I know...?"

Tears swelled in her eyes, and she blinked to get them away. They patterned themself on her eyelashes and in the corner of her eyes.

I approached, lifting my hand gently to hers and guiding the scissors down so I could hug her. "It's ok, L, you can tell me anything."

She quietly sobbed into my shoulder. I patted her back. We stayed like this until she had run out of tears. I stepped back, looking at my best friend.

She glanced down at the scissors, and I noticed something I hadn't done before.

A little sheet of fabric in her washbag, five stripes, three different colours. A light blue, white, and pink.

The transgender flag.

"Are you... you know..." I sighed. "Pronouns?"

Tear patterned L's eyes. "He/him." He whispered, running into my arms. "You're the first person to know... I didn't know how to tell anyone... I didn't know how you'd react."

"I love you, no matter what, L." I smiled, hugging him tight. "Do you want me to help you cut your hair?"

He looked up at me, eyes sparkling brighter than I've ever seen. He nodded, and I grabbed the scissors.

"You ready?" I asked. L nodded, and I cut the ponytail off.

We spent until the sun was high in the sky cleaning up his hair. At the end, he looked so happy. His fingers ran through his hair, and I smiled as my short little trans devil (AJ reference?! :0) turned around and hugged me around the middle.

"Thank you so much, Ziynab." He squealed.

"If you need anything, L." I looked him in the eyes. "I'm here for you."

(This chapter was a trans masc coming out! Yes! It may not be like a lot of people's coming out, but it was like mine, so it is inspired by, and written from mind of, a trans individual. This is my story, and it's almost exactly how it went when I came out to my friend. So :>. I go for accuracy as much as I can)


(We also live for the fact my search history is all about what the finger holes on a pair of scissors is called-)

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