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The light of the rising sun bore though the clouded window of the bathroom, illuminating the black marble sink. It wasn't really marble, merely ceramic painted to look more desirable, feigning wealth to be seen as lovely, such like a pearl necklace where the beads scatter when the necklace breaks. Costume jewellery, yet it adds drama to a murder scene.

That's exactly what the faux-marble basin does, the dramatic white cracks breaking the black paint. A prop, for life is a show, the world a stage, and the people merely actors, living for the unseen's entertainment.

I switched the shower on, wincing slightly as the hot jet traced the scars on my back. The pain from the burns hadn't left, I'd just befriended it, a constant companion like that, you'd have to befriend them at some point. Still, the heat from a shower burns it so much worse than fire had ever done, like I was being haunted by mistakes that weren't my own.

I got out the shower after washing, the crisp autumn scent stinging my nose. The window in my dorm was open, letting the scent of the damp earth, mingles with the sweet scent of cinnamon from the corridor, waft into the bathroom.

I pulled a light cable-knit sweater on, the wash of home nearly bringing tears to me eyes. The jumper still smelled of the laundry detergent my mum used to use, soft floral scent with a hunt of coffee, because mum insisted on throwing a sealed bag filled with coffee beans into the water for 'good luck', despite the fact it once burst and broke the swing machine.

There was nobody else in my dorm. Sycamore block was the only one who offered single bed dorms, and I jumped on it as soon as I got the offer for it. I'm not sleeping a few feet away from a total stranger, my guard completely down, thanks.

A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts. I shrugged the memories off, resuming my previous air of apathy to open the door.

A tall woman stood at the door, holding a small pet carrier and a box of thin sheets of paper. "Kai Roux?" She asked. I nodded, and she handed me the carrier and a sheet of paper from the top of her pile, then walking off.

I set the paper on the table, then opening the carrier and smiling as my small, albino bunny jumped out and into my arm. "Hey, Bubby." I giggled, stroking her fluffy fur.

I picked up the paper, glancing down at it and smiling. It was my timetable.

Gothic literature - 10:30am - Counter, Mr
Mentor - 03:15pm - Counter, Mr

Victorian literature - 11:45am - Thompson, Mrs

Historical architecture - 03:30pm - Sanderson, Mrs

Gothic literature - 9:45am - Counter, Mr
Mentor - 01:15pm - Counter, Mr

Victorian literature - 12:00pm - Thompson, Mrs

I glanced down at my watch, cursing lightly. It was 11:00. I had missed my first lecture. Gorgeous. Just great.

Instead, I just sat in my room, waiting for 3 o'clock to come around so I could get to my mentor on time.


"Kai." Mr Counter said as I knocked on his door. "Come in."

"Sorry for not being at your lecture this morning." I mumbled, looking around the office. Sheep's skulls and crow heads littered the shelves, along with all things occult and witchcraft related. No wonder he's a gothic literature teacher rather than a history teacher.

"Don't worry. I wasn't there either." He chuckled. "Overslept."

I smiled at him and he smiled back, before standing up and leaning on the edge of his mahogany desk.

"So, I'm your personal tutor. Very few students have had me as a teacher and not asked to switch classes, let alone have me as a tutor." He rolled up his olive sleeves, revealing arms covered in tattoos. "So, since we have nothing to go over I'll just say one thing to you before you go off to the bar and mingle with the other students."

"Gothic literature is a path not many will be able to understand, yet you seem to be the tripe of person to know just the right amount already. But I've had students like you quit when it got too much."

"I assure you, I'm capable of understanding it." I said, looking into his deep blue eyes.

"Good, but one final thing." He said, lighting a lighter and setting the candle beside him aflame. "Many people underestimate the power of the secrets gothic literature holds. If you look too deep, you'll find a mirror, Kai. So...

"Try not to go insane."

Mystery of Grey AcademyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin