"Damn" Bryson mumbled.

"Yo ass was itching" kahlil laughed out loud.

"Ima beat yo ass one day" jahmir mugged kahlil.

"So why'd you bring Alexis?" Cassandra asked making jahmir shrug.

"Ion know—I'm tryna be Drake but these fuckin bitches making me be future"

"Where you even find her?" Bryson mumbled.

"At fuckin' Whole Foods, getting shit for my momma" he shook his head.

"I'm backkkk" Alexis sung, sitting back down.

"Hope you guys didn't have too much fun without me" she chuckled making kahlil laugh.

"Oh trust me we didn't—you the life of the party girl" he joked making her laugh.

"You ill nigga" jahmir said.


"What brings you here Bianca?"

"Uhh I feel like I have some problems within myself and I wanna get it under control before I have my baby"

"What problems?" The therapist.

"Well my boyfriend- now ex boyfriend broke up with me because I was putting my hands on him" she said ashamed.

"Why were you putting your hands on him?"

Bianca sighed before responding, "I don't know—I would never because I love him and he treats me so good but I did and—and I don't know why" she cried.

"Well it's quite common for couples to have relationship issues during pregnancy—it's not your fault or his, it's the pressure of all of these changes happening quickly within your relationship"

"And I keep having these issues with my dad because he's disappointed in me cause I got pregnant before I graduated and I'm Jealous of my friend's relationship because they are goals and I wanna be goals with somebody too but not just anybody, I want Assad but he moved on and I'm just a sad pregnant teenager who's gonna get fat" she ranted with tears streaming down her face barely making any sense.

"Wow this is a lot of emotion" the therapist said sliding the box of tissues to Bianca.

"Let's start with your life growing up—how was home? How was school?"

"School was cool—but home wasn't"

"Continue if you're comfortable"

"Okay so my parents would argue a lot and a lot meaning every fucking day and night."

"And how did that make you feel?"

"They were driving me fucking crazy—i always wondered and till this day I still do wonder, why don't they just get a divorce"

"Why would you like them to divorce?"

"Because I feel like everyone would be so much more comfortable and, and happier"

"Hmm—so we have run out of time for this session but I would like to give you something to work on for our next session"

"Okay what"

"Ask your mom and dad, separately, how do they feel about eachother and write down how their responses make you feel and tell me about it next session—okay?"

"Okay" Bianca said as she walked out of the small building. As she stood outside for her Uber, she noticed a tall man in all black walking towards her. She paid it no mind.

"HELPPP!!!" She screeched as the man grabbed her and pushed her into a black truck.

"I'll see you Monday baby" Cassandra said as they pulled up in front of her house. He got out the car and opened the door for her.

"Igh mama" he said looking down at her. He leaned down to connect their lips. Moments pass as they stood outside making out.

Cassandra pulled away, "okay I have to go baby, I love you" she said. Bryson furrowed his eyebrows at the last part of her statement making her confused.

"Why are you making that face?" She asked before realizing she said the four letter word.

She gasped loudly, "oh my god I'm sorry I didn't mean it—oh my goodness I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to say it, okay bye" she rushed out before running into her house.

'Fuck', he thought getting into his car and pulling off.

Once Cassandra got into her house, she rushed to her bedroom and flopped face first on her bed.

"WHYYY MEEE!?!" She screamed into her pillow.

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