Chapter 34

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February 9th 2023

Assad was discharged from the hospital a few days ago but we haven't spoken since that day. We have an ultrasound scheduled for today at one, so right now we are getting ready separately as silence fell over the house.

As I spray perfume on myself I hear three heavy knocks on the door.

"Yea?" I said making the door open and Assad peeking in.

"You ready?" He muttered looking at me, making my stomach flutter. I love Assad with all of my heart but we aren't working out right now and we need to get our shit together before this baby comes.

"Mhm" I hummed in response, grabbing my purse and walking out the room and going downstairs.

He opens the car door for me, making me get inside and put my seat belt on.

"Put the address in" he said lowly as he got into the car. I grab his phone and putting the address in the gps before handing him the phone.

We began to ride in an awkward silence, making me uncomfortable. I cleared my throat before speaking.

"I'm going to start looking for places so I won't be in your hair" I said looking down at my hands.

He made a quick left turn before responding, "youn got to"

"I do—we are driving eachother crazy" I sighed looking over at him, seeing his tongue dart out to lick his lips.

"Igh" he said as we pulled up at the doctor's office.

"And there is your baby" the doctors said pointing at the blurry picture on the screen.

"Wow—it's so small" I said with a smile.

"Well right now you are about eight weeks, so the baby is this size of a raspberry" she said with a smile before continuing, "and next week it will be twice the size"

"That's crazy" I said looking at the screen again before turning to face Assad.

"Isn't that crazy Assad?" I said making him snap out the daze he was in.

He shrugged before responding, "yea"

I rolled my eyes feeling myself get irritated. He's acting like he doesn't care or like this isn't important to him.

I guess the doctor sense the awkward situation, weighing over top of everyone's head.

She cleared her throat before speaking, "your next appointment will be on the twenty seventh" she said wiping off the gel off of my stomach before continuing, "but if you feel as something is wrong please come in and I'll check you and your baby out"

"Thank you" I said smiling before she walked out of the room. I sighed as I got off the table.

I wanted to say some things to Assad about the way he acted but I didn't want to start anything in front of these white people.

We got into the car and he pulled off.

"Why'd you act like that" I asked.

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