"I'll just do water," Emily answered.

"Lemonade," I said.

Xavian couldn't make eye contact for some reason. "Um, I'll do a lemonade, too."

Jordan gave us another smile. "I'll be right back with those."

After walking away, I looked at Xavian with confusion. He was wide-eyed and acting nervous, which was severely out of character. "What was that about?"

"What do you mean?" he asked, clearly trying to play it off.

"That wasn't like you," I answered. "You were acting nervous around her. Where's the confident and extroverted Xavian that I grew up with?"

Xavian started stuttering over his words, which answered my question. I leaned in and slyly smirked at him. "You like her, don't you?"

His eyes widened and frantically looked around to see if she was anywhere in our vicinity. "Shut the hell up! I do not!"

"It's painfully obvious," Emily added with a chuckle. "Your face is beet red. It's nothing to be ashamed of, though. Why don't you ask for her number before we leave?"

I nodded. "Yeah, we're just messing with you. You, of all people, should be able to ask for a girl's number."

His expression momentarily tensed as Jordan came back with our drinks. She set them in front of us and handed out a few straws. "Here you go. Are we ready to order, or do we still need a couple of minutes?"

I glanced at Emily and Xavian and nodded. "I think we're ready."

"Okay! I'll start with the lady."

Emily pointed to a salad dish on the menu. "I'll do this chicken salad with ranch, please."

"Sounds good," Jordan answered, scribbling in her book before turning to me. "For you?"

"I'll do the shrimp pasta."

After writing down the order, her attention was turned to Xavian, who was sitting nervously in his chair. "For you, sir?"

"U-Um, I'll do a pizza."

Jordan gave him a confused gaze. "O-Okay. Which one?"

"A pepperoni pizza."

"Just pepperoni?" she questioned.


I tried to contain my laughter as Jordan turned back to us, ignoring Xavian's glare. "Anything else I can get?"

"Nope, we're good," I stated.

"I'll get that started for you."

As she walked away, the laughter I was holding back erupted. Emily couldn't help but join in as well. Xavian groaned and slumped back in the booth. He threw his arms up in frustration.

"I don't know what's wrong with me."

"You're good, bro," I reassured. "It's not like I'd do any better. I'm as introverted as they come."

I felt Emily glance at me, but she kept quiet. Xavian shook his head. "I'm not going to do it. I can't."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I can't ask for her number. She's too pretty, and I'm just...me."

Emily leaned forward. "Xavian, what's going on? This is so out of character for you. I've always known you as a confident and nonchalant kind of guy. What is it about this girl that's made you like this?"

"I don't know," he responded with discouragement. "I want to ask for her number and get to know her more, but something tells me she'll turn me down. She seems like a nice girl."

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