a bouquet for a specific someone

Start from the beginning

"Quite indeed I am, you might have heard me on the radio" Alastor voiced.

"Oh not really, I don't listen to radio unless it's music" Lucifer helped Charlie make the bouquet.

The comment hurt the mans ego quite a bit for not knowing who he was or even heard of his show.

"Mm your loss" alastor respond

"You Wana make a bouquet too since you've got nothing else to do" Lucifer grabbed a few more flowers and leaves to add to the bouquet.

"I'd rather watch, it's quite interesting to watch someone like you make a Bouquet" Alastor responded leaving Lucifer a bit offended and confused.

"Whacha mean by that?" Lucifer looked at him.

"You know a man running a flower shop" it was the 30s it was obviously not normal to see a man working this kind of job.

"Oh that, I don't know it's something I enjoyed other than making ducks"

"Ducks?, why are you making ducks?" The radio man asked obviously confused.

"Like rubber ducks here let me get one"

Lucifer left for a bit and came up with a rubber duck with a clown hat and nose.

"See!" Lucifer held his duck proudly.

"That's stupid why do you make these?, what's the purpose of these"
Alastor grabbed the duck and examined it but noticed how well the craftsmanship was when he made these.

"Well it's just a hobby, just did it for fun"Lucifer snatched the duck back

"It's quite stupid aswell that's what it is"

"Look here you-"

"Papa I'm done making the flowers" Charlie said as she interrupted the two not knowing what she was doing was bad

"Oh uh good job honey we can bring this home later" Lucifer patted Charlies head

"What no I Wana give it to him" Charlie pointed at Alastor once again

"Me?, now why is that?"

"Yeah why him"Lucifer responded obviously annoyed of the mans presence

"Becausee he's wearing red, my favorite color"

"Mm fine, you want it?" Lucifer looked at alastor as he held the bouquet

"...why not I needed something to lighten up my home"

"Fine, stay put Charlie let me just bag this up for him and I can close up shop after"

"Can we have icecream for dinner?"

"Yeah sure" Lucifer got up at his seat and Alastor looked at Lucifer with quite an annoyed look

"Icecream for dinner are you serious what have you been feeding her?" Alastor stood up and went with Lucifer to the counter

"I just let her have what she wants"

Alastor grabbed the blonde mans shoulder and shook him

"Are you an idiot, you can't just give her anything she wants, she needs vegetables and fruits"

"Well sorry geez" Lucifer put the bouquet down and put it in a bag handing it over to the man after.

Alastor sighed and grabbed the bag "how much?"

"No it's free"

"Alright then.." alastor carried the bag and took a glance at Charlie and noticed she was on top of the table looking like she was about to jump

"Weee!" Charlie jumped but her fall was broken by Alastor who caught her before she touched the ground.

"Charlie! Are you okay" Lucifer picked Charlie up completely ignoring alastor

"I'm okay too you know" alastor got up and dusted himself off "You need to get a leash on her if you don't teach her how to behave properly"

"You have a leaf in your hair" Lucifer pointed out

"Where?" Alastor went through his hair trying too look for it

"Wait just let me" Lucifer got closer to the man and took the leaf out of his hair making Lucifer look into Alastors eyes for a moment before looking away.

"...can you help me take care of her?" Lucifer suggested

Alastor stood there looking at him


Alastors POV:

I couldn't believe I found myself standing outside of someone's house helping them take care of a child

Of course I had to say yes, Lucifer is literally connected to a mafia I needed the connections and he needed help to keep his god damn child alive

Narrators POV:

Alastor groaned and just rang the doorbell fast footsteps coming closer shortly after

"Charlie behave okay, alastors going to live with us for a bit alright" you could hear Lucifer's voice through the door alastor obviously just waiting patiently

The door opened "alastor hi! Welcome come in"


The end :p

I'm already working on chapter three don't worry guys

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