Hoppers Girl

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I finally caught up to Hopper after running "Hopper" "I don't know why your following me" "Because your my boyfriend I love you and I came to apologise" He turned around and looked at me "I just want it all to be over Joy" I hugged him tightly never ready to let go "I know hop I know" "I don't want to live like this" "I know hopper I know" "I should just end it" I hugged him tightly "James David Hopper don't you dare leave me" I was now crying into him falling on the ground sobbing, he sat down next to me and cuddled "I can't do anything for you Hop and I'm so so sorry about that" I just cried into him more and more "Joyce take a deep breath, In, out, in, out" I looked up at him tears still rolling down my face "Don't leave me hop please don't leave me" "Never" He picked me up and put me on my feet as he always does when I feel down and I hugged him again "Let's go to my house my parents arnt home" "Joyce Laura Horwitz" I smiled at him and kissed his lips.

~~~Later that evening~~~

"We are home" I heard my parents call I glanced over at my clock it was ten o'clock, so I shook Hopper wake whispering "My parents are home" "Wha- what" "Quickly we have to get dressed" So we ran around the room quickly getting dressed and I was brushing my hair I threw hopper a magazine just as my dad opened the door "Hi hun oh Jim how come your still here" "I em-" "I asked him to stay until you came home because I was scared" "Oh I never known you to be scared" "There's a first time for everything Mr. Horowitz" "Okay you better get going" "Yeah I'll just grab my jumper and I'll be off" My dad closed the door and the two of us burst out laughing I walked back to the bed and kissed him "Bye hop I had a wonderful time" "Me too well see you later Joy" He got up grabbed his Jumper and left. A couple minutes later I open my door to down stairs and was met with my mom closing the door, "Hey Joy" "Hey mom" "I was thinking about the family going to this town it's a little smaller then Hawkins but its called Arbor" "Oh were nan and pops live" "Yeah it's about a two hour drive" "Yeah for how long" "Two weeks" "Two weeks!" "Oh come on Joyce it's not that long" "Can Hopper come" "Well he will have to ask his father" "Yes thank you mom".

I ran to the phone and dialled the Hoppers phone number "Hello who is this" "Oh Hi Mr. Hopper it's me Joyce is Jim there?" "Oh Joyce Hello, No James has been bad so Iv sent him to his room but he will call you tomorrow" "Oh.... yeah see you later mr" I hung up the phone I knew something was wrong but there was nothing I could do about so I called Phill Callahan "Callahan's Phill speaking" "Hey Phill its Joyce, Joyce Horwitz" "Oh your Hoppers girl" hoppers girl that made me smile "Yeah I think.... you know what nevermind" "Okay well bye Joyce" I put down the phone and Walked into the kitchen were my parents were sitting down slowly "Well" "I don't know his dad won't let him out of his rooms I couldn't ask" "Not letting a kid out of there room what a punishment" I shook my head and dragged myself upstairs I was exhausted after the long day.

Soon enough My mom came up to me and sat at the bottom of my bed "Hey mom" "Hey hun how was your day I never asked" "It was fine" "What did you do all day" "Hung out with hop and my new friend Scott well old friend" "What did you and Hop do here all day" "Nothing much read comics magazine talked" "What else" "Nothing really" "What else Joyce" "Nothing" I said getting angry, she stood up and pointed her finger at me "Joyce Laura Horwitz what else!" I looked at her mad and jumped out of the bed "Nothing!" I said sternly "Don't lie to me" "We slept together is that what you want to hear!" She looked at me shocked "YOUR GROUNDED AND THAT BOY IS NOT COMING WITH US NOWHERE" "THEN IM NOT GOING" "OH YES YOU WILL" "OR WHAT YOU CAN'T MAKE ME DO SHIT" "IM YOUR MOTHER AND YOU WILL DO AS I SAY" I sat on the bedside crying my eyes out and my mother left slamming the door behind her. I got up and slammed my hands on my desk. I was always the good kid but boy did I have an attitude. I sat up crying on the edge of my bed I felt like It was the end of the world. I stood up and started shoving stuff in my bag determined on running away I packed comics pajama clothes but when it was all packed.

I opened the window ready to leave but then slammed it shut and threw m bag at the door "I HATE THIS HOUSE" I screamed at the top of my lungs but of course I was just being a moody teenager so I sat on the ground and cried and cried and cried until eventually getting sick out the window at that point there was no need to be crying but I sat back on my bed and cried myself to sleep thinking about Romeo and Juliet and Jack Dawson and Rose.

(Just pretend that the titanic was out then)

Keep Safe || Jopper ||Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora