Half the truth

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When I woke up in my bed I looked around was it all just a dream a sick dream I got up put on some comfy clothes and a pair of off brand converse, I walked down stairs to be greeted by my mother "Morning mom" I said grabbing a plate and a piece of toast from the toaster "Morning Joyce" I placed it on the table and got myself I glass of orange juice "We need to talk" I placed the glass on the table while I sat down eating my toast "About what" "School" I took the piece of toast out of my mouth and wiped the crumbs in my sleeve "oh" "Why have you been skipping school" "Mom I don't want to live out my teen life in a prison you only live once" "Yes I know but you want a good job when your older so you can live a happy adulthood" "I know mom I know but as you say it's now or never" "Joyce" "Okay mom I'll try better" "Good girl now go enjoy your weekend its already half ten" I jumped up putting the dishes in the sink and running out the door.

When I ran out the door I slowed down and started to walk towards Hopper house we were planning on getting ice cream but when I knocked on the door hoppers dad clearly drunk answered it "Joyce nice to see you" " Hi Mr. Hopper nice to see you too is Jim there" "Yes but he will see you tomorrow Iv heard he was skipping so he has to be punished" "Okay see you later" "Bye Joyce" When I walked off he closed the door so I ran around to Hoppers window he was standing against the door it was locked his nose was swollen and bloody he was also crying it set me aback but I knocked on the window, He stared at me then quickly ran out the window pulling it closed and pulling me down to the ground and away from the window "Hopper what the hell are you okay?" I wisperd he just grabbed my hand and we ran into the forest beside his house "I'm alive let's say" "Hopper I swear to God we are going to the police station" "Joyce no please don't" "Hop please" I hugged him tightly "Please Joy" I looked up at him and buried my head in his chest "Come on your coming to my house" I took his hand and we walked out of the woods to my house.

When we arrived at my house we walked in and I sat him on the couch "Ima go get the first aid kit" "Jo-" "I'm going to" He just smiled and I walked off into the kitchen looking for the first aid kit not knowing my mother was right there "What you looking for" "Oh mom didn't know you where there" "Well I am" "I was looking for the first aid kit" "Did you fall?" "No actually Jim did" "Where is the boy" "In the sitting room" "As is the first aid kit" "Oh" We both walked into the sitting room "Are you sure you fell" "Mom" She knelt down in the cupboard and pulled out the first aid kit first wiping the dry blood from around his face then putting a plaster over the top of his nose "There all better" "Thanks Mrs. Horowitz" "Go have fun you two" I got up and hugged my mom "Thanks mom" "Your welcome" I walked out of the house followed by Hopper he had a frown on his face "What's wrong?" He looked at me but looked away we were walking towards the shop "Jim hopper" "Yeah" "What's wrong" I stopped in my tracks grabbing his shoulders to face me "I wish I had a mother like yours caring and kind infact I wish I had a mother a good one that doesn't abandon me" "Oh hop" "I'm serious Joy I don't even know what a mother does how do they act around their kids I don't know" "Hey I have an idea" "Shoot i guess" "What's the chance anyone ever gets out of Hawkins" "Very unlikely" "Then what's the chance of your mother still being here" "Big but that's not the point she abandoned me" "I bet she is really close with you but you just don't know it" "That's a big accusation" "So wanna help me find her" " Sure Joy its something to do I guess"

We arrived at Melvalds the number one place for gossip when we entered I saw Hoppers dads sister she knew I was hoppers friend she didn't know I hung out with him constantly though so Hopper waited outside I walked in and picked a magazine and some resses pieces then pretended to bump into her "Oh my I'm sorry" I picked some stuff off the ground that she dropped "Watch were yo- oh your J J Jane aren't you Jim's friend" "Joyce and yeah" "Well it's nice to see you Joyce" "Thanks you too" "Here allow me" And she handed me five Us dollars "Oh no it's fine really" "Not at all" She started to walk away but before she could I stopped her "Excuse me I'm curious about something" She turned around "That is" "J James's mother who was she?" She looked at me eyes wide "I'll tell you outside wait there for me I'll be about fifteen minutes" "Okay I'll go pay for these" I ran to the register and out of the shop trowing the resses at hopper "Shes going to tell me out here soon!" Hoppers eyes lightened "Wow" I gave him a quick kiss and jumped up and down "I'm going to go around the corner you take this bench" "okay".

I sat at the bench for about ten minutes she wasn't kidding then she walked out "I just need to load these joyce" "Yep, I'm sorry I never caught your name?" "Vanessa" "Oh thanks for everything Vanessa" I watched as she unloaded the shopping in her little car and then as she joined me on the bench "Well it all started when my brother was twenty he met a woman now Jim was one when she left so I can't really remember much about her I don't think she left Hawkins though, what was it... ah yes her last name started with a H I think I remember by that locket I found in my brothers house, her first name was a R yes RH + JH Now remember Joyce don't tell a sole" With that she got up and made her way to her car "Bye Vanessa and thanks again".

I ran around the building to Hopper who was talking to Calvin and his sister, I could see that look on his sister to be honest everyone looked at Hop like oh how I'd love to hook up with you so I walked up and grabbed hoppers hand which made Cals sister look me up and down and I tried to tug him away "Well sorry Cal the woman's boss iv got to go" "See ya bye Joyce" "Bye cal" I looked at Cal and waved at him while pulling hopper away I pulled him to the bench me and Vanessa sat at "Were's my resses?" "Oop" "James David Hopper" I gave him a playful smack on the arm "Anyway I know her inishils" "You do" "Yup RH" "Wow em well I know a few RH's" "Okay I'm going to go get a small notebook with my change be right back". When I got back Hopper was there reading my magazine "Hay that's not for your eyes" I snatched it out of his hands and layed it next to me on the bench.

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