5. Choosing

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N - "n-no i cant choose!"

I - "choose or both of you die"

Iris started to point the sharper object against Uranus neck even a little hard

U - "Mate dont!- gh!"

I - "you too shut up.."

Iris stared at neptune and then looked back at Uranus...

N - "I-i.."

N - "I-i choose...Me.."

U - "w-what? N-no neptune you cant"

Iris tied up Uranus to a heavy asteroid but it was difficult for Iris to tie Uranus up, because Uranus was moving alot and resisting his touches


Uranus started to tear up a little he didnt wanna see his best friend die

I - "STOP moving- ill make this quick Agh!"

Uranus hitted Iris cheek on purpose then iris threw Uranus down and managed to tie him up on his hands


I - "Shut up didnt i told you that?"

Iris started to head towards an kinda unconscious Neptune and grabbed his head and pointed an sharp object to his head

U - "no NO STOP"

Uranus started to cry but not a lot

N - "Bye....Uranus..i-i love you-...."

I - "Start saying bye bye to your 'cousin'!"

U - "NO!-"

Iris started to bash Neptune head and iris never stopped hitting him till he was dead, neptune was bleeding alot and Uranus was just watching he still couldn't get out of his hands tied...


Uranus started to cry alot seeing his only best friend dieing all because of iris

Uranus started yelling for Iris to stop

I - "This is very entertaining right Uranus?~"

U - "Y-you are S-SICK MATE"

Uranus cried seeing Neptune is actually dead mean while iris is enjoying tormenting both of them but neptune is now dead, now he only gets to torment Uranus now great at least he gets his entertainment and Australian Guy

Iris walked towards Uranus and grabbed his chin

I - "Look here, If you tell anybody ill kill you including your other loved ones, okay?"

U - "I-i-"

I - "OKAY?"

U - "i-i Okay!"

Iris then untied Uranus and walked away leaving neptune dead less body on floating air

After Iris walked away Uranus crawled to neptune and held him in his arm

U - "I-I'm sorry i c-couldn't save you n-neptune.."

Uranus sobbed holding neptune in his arm harder

10 earth days later

Uranus was in his orbit thinking about neptune, his moons came back they were quite concerned why Uranus was acting like this and why neptune hasn't came to bother Uranus like always

Titania was the first one to talk

T - "Hey guys? Do you find anything odd...

O - "Yeah- Uranus us a bit odd now"

T - "Yeah not only that Neptune is gone too"

Uranus pulled out his diary and pencil his hands were shaking a bit also and started to write something hiding it while writing

Titania and the others noticed, Uranus knew they came back to them but he hasn't apologized and didn't talk to them yet, thats the one thing they are concerned about and also concerned about Uranus and Neptune too.

T - "Hey Uranus?"

Titania called Uranus and Uranus turned around his head and looked at Titania

U - "Y-yea uh?"

T - "It's Titania, Uranus.."

U - "O-oh yeah what do you n-need Titania?

T - "Uh are you okay?"

U - "Y-yeah I am alright don't worry.."

Titania knew that wasn't right hes is lying something is very off, there is a scar behind his hair, he is covering his face with it

You could see the scar clearly

O - "Are you sure your okay?..."

Uranus looked at...what was the moons name? He forgot

U - "Uh whats your name again?.."

O - "Oh its Oberon"

U - "Yea I'm okay guys....why are you asking?"

T - "We could see your scar on your face Uranus"

U - "O-oh you can?"

Uranus quickly covered his scar with his hair even more , he thought that his moons weren't gonna notice the scar.

He looked away quickly after his scar was noticed.

O - "Uranus....Where is uhm neptune?..."

Uranus was shocked at that question, he didn't want to remember his friends death...he can't......he.

U - "i-..."


Lol sorry for not updating for awhile😊

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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