2. Discovering

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Uranus's pov

After the screams stopped, I started to wonder if that was my imagination or not I decided to check it out

U - "i should just check it out..." I started to head towards the kuiper belt without the sun noticing......at least

U - "Neptune? Mate are you here?" I called Neptune's name but there was no answer. Usually he would answer and come and scare me, but that didn't happen I was starting to worry, maybe he was the one screaming

U - "Neptune! Don't scare me come out!" I started to worry more and maybe he's hurt? No.....

U - "NEPTUNE!! MATE!" I heard cries coming from my left, I started to head towards there and see Neptune crying and hurt......

U - "Neptune! Are you okay?!" I wasn't good at comforting people that much.

I out my hands around the area he's hurt. He seemed to flinch a little but said nothing.

N - "U-uranus?"

U - "Yeah mate I'm here...don't worry I'll help heal your wounds..."

U - "I will be back mate, I'll ask Jupiter for bandages, stay here"

N - "N-no I don't wanna stay here alone Uranus!" I see the fear in his eyes........something was off

U - "Just stay here! I don't want the other planets to see!...it would be embarrassing.." Neptune nodded and looked at me leave

I sneaked pass Saturn and went to Jupiter's orbit.

U - "Hey Jupiter?" I asked quietly

J - "Yeah Uranus? Need anything?"

U - "Can I have some bandages?"

J - "Why? Did you got hurt somehow?"

U - "Y-yeah" I lied to him and I didn't want him to know that Neptune's hurt, he would tell Saturn and everyone..

J - "Okay here's some bandages just don't get yourself hurt again"

U - "Uh o-okay I wont" he handed me the bandages and I start heading towards my orbit

Then I went to the kuiper belt without anyone noticing again..-

U - "Neptune I'm back!"

Neptune's pov

Uranus started to come back to me and put bandages around my wounds and cuts

U - "Mate.... how did you hurt yourself?..." Uranus asked me but i didn't answer since 1ř1$ don't me not to tell anyone otherwise he will hurt me again..


U - "Okay just sit...down and relax it could hurt maybe.." He was finished putting bandages around my cuts..

N - "Hey Uranus wanna see my friend Guillermo?"

U - "You already showed me a bunch of times now mate, don't you remember?" He asked me

N - "Of course I remember! I like showing Guillermo to you!"

Uranus's pov

............. he didn't seem to care about his wounds...he looks like he's in pain but doesn't show it, maybe he's faking his personality?

U - "Ey neptune?"

N - "Yeah Uranus?" He looks at me while making a silly face

U - "Can I ask a question?..."

N - "Sure! Ask away!"

U - "are you faking your personality?...."

Neptune's pov

....is he starting to notice? No he can't know I'm faking it....

N - "Of course not cousin! Why do you think that?"

U - "n-no reason" he seems nervous I don't know why? Is he worried for me? It's look like it after he saw what condition I was in, I wasn't injured that badly, only a few cuts and wounds.

U - "Is anyone hurting you or something?" I look at him, im not gonna tell him

N - "Nope! I just bumped into the asteroids and got a few cuts!

U - "neptune-"

N - "Hey cousin wanna play with asteroids?" I ask him not wanting answer his question he's asking ALOT of questions

U - "..........sure..." we started to play with some asteroids with faces on it :3

Uranus's pov

Neptune's been acting strange after I saw him hurt in the kuiper belt, he must be hiding something from me......maybe I am right? He's either hurting himself or someone else is.......maybe another planet? From another solar system that planet must've traveled long here to hurt us whatever that planet needed I can't let that random planet pass the kuiper belt and neptune is definitely letting them in

U - "I-I'm gonna go back to my orbit now mate.."

N - "Sure cya cousin! :3"

Neptune's pov

I watch Uranus leave me alone again, he needs to be in his orbit anyways, he will come back

N - "*sigh* shit- ugh why did he have to put the bandages around my cuts so tightly ugh-"

I - "D1d h3 l34v3?"

I turn my head slowly towards the sound.....1t$ h1M


Sorry for the uuhhh cut lol I won't be updating as much cuz of yk school 😊

Cya in part 3😈😈😈

Uranus angst? (Solarballs)Where stories live. Discover now