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It was nearly midnight and I was still sitting in front of my computer trying to gather the past information of the victim of the case.

It was a murder case.

A 21 year old, IIT Delhi student who later was interested in UPSC was killed in her hostel room. According to the sources she was depressed from past 5 months. She started isolating herself.

Autopsy report proved that the girl has committed suicide. Case closed. But one day a diary of the girl was parceled to CBI office challenging our team to find the killer.

It was clearly mentioned that she was tortured by some person in the diary. After investigation we came to the conclusion that it was her diary.

Before it reached to CBI, the news was already delivered to reporters.

The killer is smart but the CBI would always be one step ahead.

Suddenly I saw someone in my balcony. I have been seeing things since I heard that my college mated have been dying.

One due to accident, other one, her younger sister due to depression of her sister's death. One due to cardiac arrest and the other by suicide. But something was off in those cases. How can 4 people from her college who were known to me died in the same month.

I was suggested to meet a psychiatrist but stubborn me won't listen to anyone. I went to look who it was and like everytime I found no one there.

Suddenly I felt a knife near my neck. My heart was beating faster like it would it would come out any time sooner. Sweat beads covering my forehead.

I tried to look from corner of my eye but by the time I could do anything the knife was covered with blood. My blood

I woke up and saw that I was covered with sweat and it was already morning alarming me to get ready for the work.

The nightmares are getting worse day by day. I need a psychiatrist now

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