Chapter 10

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Angel sat alone watching television when a knock abrupt her thoughts of getting married when they can afford it. Angel got up from the couch and went to open the door. They didn't have a peephole this time so she didn't know who was behind the door. As she slowly opened the door she saw it was Scarlett wondering how the woman even knew where they lived as she said,

"Well, um...hi Scarlett, what brings you to my home?"

Scarlett looked like she had been crying replying,

"Angel, you need to help me please, I beg of you just help me, look at my arms I have started cutting and I can't stop."

Angel sighed guiding Scarlett to the couch and she responded,

"What can I help you with Scarlett?"

Scarlett looked around to see if anyone was there then replied,

"I am needing you to get me to the mental ward in Kansas City, I can't be home alone anymore and the last woman I was with was still there."

Angel just looked at Scarlett with uncertainty as she responded,

"I don't think you need to go back to a mental ward all because you need a woman, I think you just need to get out and find one, maybe go to a bar, library, grocery store or something to find a woman."

Scarlett nodded in agreement as she replied,

"You are right as always, by the way, where is Jana?"

Angel just couldn't sit still as she responded,

"She's at work and our kids are at school."

Scarlett lit up with a smile responding,

"So we can watch movies together and have lunch and enjoy some coffee too, please can I stay with you until they get home?"

Angel didn't like this idea one bit but she needed a friend to hang with until her family got home and that is all Scarlett and she was just friends nothing more. Angel sighed replying,

"Sure, we will hang out but no kissing or touching me, I am happily engaged to Jana."

Scarlett's eyes went wide then nodded responding,

"Congrats and thank you, I am just needing a friend anyway, someone to bond with."

Angel had more of a suspicious feeling with Scarlett though she just kept it to herself knowing that Scarlett learned her lesson about hurting her or anyone else. Angel replied,

"You're welcome, I am needing some coffee, would you like some too?"

Scarlett nodded as Angel got up from the couch then headed to the kitchen as she texted Jana,

"Jana, I should have told you this before but I ran into Scarlett a few weeks ago and well she wanted my help with finding her a girlfriend which I didn't but she is here now hanging out with me until you all get home, she is just a friend nothing more is going on so you know."

Angel sat her phone down to get the coffee brewed then her phone went off as she read the text from Jana saying,

"Angel, I don't trust her after what she did to you last year when we were in Michigan but I am not going to control who you want as friends, I hope you will go out and make friends when we get a second vehicle because Scarlett is far from a friend she is an enemy and will always make our life hell. Just know if you need me home, I'll come straight home from work, otherwise be careful."

Angel sighed knowing Jana was right then replied,

"Yes baby, I understand. I know Scarlett is an enemy but I need to make due with what I have even having her as just a friend. Anyways, I will see you tonight, I love you."

Jana & Angel A Girl For Her Series: Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now