He said, following after them both.

Flashback end...

Mikasa: What are you drawing?

Y/n sat there for a moment before continuing his illustration, ignoring her question.

Mikasa walked over and sat on the bed in front of him. The girl kept her gaze on him as he was focused solely on his drawing.

Mikasa: You feeling okay?

Nothing. She didn't even get a nod from him.

Mikasa: At least you still got your journal. I know how much you like drawing in it. I had always wondered what it is you Wright in there.


Mikasa: Please talk to me, Y/n.

Still nothing. As her frustration rose, she snatched his journal from his hands and closed it.

Mikasa: Please...

She spoke softly as she placed her hand on his leg.

Y/n: What do you want to hear from me? That I'm sorry? That I regret the things I've done? You're wasting my time and yours. I don't regret a dman thing. Everything I did was for my people. You morons included. And you... Betray me. Betray your home. Your people. You're not better than me, Mikasa. None of you are.

Mikasa: I know...

Mikasa gently grabbed his hand.

Mikasa: I'm sorry... I'm so sorry for everything. We've failed you.

Y/n breathed heavily for a moment.

Y/n: Can I have my damn journal back?

Mikasa nodded and handed it back to him. The girl stared at him with a sad expression as he continued drawing as if she wasn't even there.


They arrived at the port of Odiha. It was now nighttime. The port was illuminated by flood lights scattered across the port.

Y/n leaned on the railing of the boat, his eyes locked onto the lighthouse across the way. He stood there and watched as the light within it spun around and around.

Kiyomi: Quite the situation, huh?

Y/n didn't even look back at her. She joined him at the railing.

Kiyomi: The others are scared. But I doubt you are. You've gotten exactly what you wanted. I still remember back when you explained to me your ambitions. Seeing them put into action is almost surreal. I've been dying to ask you... what now?

There wasn't any wind. So the water was quite calm. They could faintly hear the sound of small waves below them.

Y/n: I will return home to my people as Emporer. And I would like to spend time with my daughter. The others want to stop the rumbling... this goal of there's is moronic. All of them may die. They are fighting to sustain a world where we are slaughtered like cattle. They've got a habit of caring about their enemies.

Kiyomi: Your friends could've killed you. And yet, they have spared you. One would think that would warrant a bit of care and worry for them.

Y/n: It does. In truth, I don't want them to die. But I can't stop all of them on my own. If they want to run off and die trying, so be it.

Kiyomi examined the man for a moment.

Kiyomi: Not long ago, you were holding me hostage and you executed my men right in front of me. But yet, I hold no hatred for you. I mean, yes, I think you are a vile monster, but still, you intrigue me. Some of your friends have stated how drastically you've changed. And that you were once very different. I'd like to meet that version of Y/n Langnar. Maybe I'll get to know you better. I highly doubt my country exists anymore. It's a shame.
I was wondering if I could come back to Paradis and live out my remaining years there. That is, if you don't plan on having me executed.

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