chapter 19

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Yay me. I did what I said I wasn’t going to do. A lot of things I said I wouldn’t do. Fall for anyone, let my guard down, get distracted from Amber… Grayson has turned me inside out. The worst part… I like it. The way he makes me feel and the break I get, it’s like a drug. 
Grayson is in the shower, and I’m sitting on the bed, staring at the door after him. What am I going to do? I think it’s time to come up with my own plan. With my new sidekick, my actions are really limited. If I don’t do something soon, it will be too late. Everything I’ve done worked for. Every action I’ve taken will have been for nothing. Amber will be gone. Snuffed out before she’s even lived. The thought leaves me short of breath and queasy. I can’t let that happen.
My phone rings, pulling me from my thoughts.
“Celeste.” I answer without checking the ID, and Beth’s tear laced voice answers back.
“They kicked me out... I no longer belong to a coven.”
What? They can’t do that. There needs to be a vote with ALL members, and I wasn’t called.
“Where are you?” I ask.
She sniffles, then blows her nose loudly in the speaker, making me wince.
“At the park we used to go to.”
I smile at the memory, touched it’s still her safe place. I also berate myself for how selfish I’ve been. I should have let the people I care about in. If she knew where I lived, she’d be here, already safe. She’s in a lot of danger out there, unprotected. Word spreads fast to anyone who cares. 
“Stay put and out of sight. I’m on my way.”
“Who was that?”
I squeeze my shoulders and close my eyes. Taking a deep, calming breath before I turn to face him. The first thing I see is the dragon wrapped around his torso, reaching for his peck. I vividly remember my tongue trailing it down to what’s hidden beneath his towel, my towel. Shaking my head. I reluctantly pull my gaze off of him.
“It’s my niece. She’s in trouble.”
“Your sister has a kid?”
“No. We’re all sisters in the coven. This one is not blood related… "It's complicated.”
He looks so confused. I stop explaining, there’s no time for it. 
“I have to go. She’s in danger.”
Grayson grabs his clothes, following behind me. I stop, and he bumps into me. This time he’s naked. I can’t help but stare.
“As much as I love the way you look at me, your… whatever she is to you. Is in trouble as you say and I’m coming with you.”
His jeans cover up most of my distraction, and his words sink in.
“You know you can’t protect me forever.  Sooner or later, you’re going to have to live again.”
His breathtaking smile leaves me dumbfounded. 
“I didn’t start living until I met you. As for protecting you? It’s my sole purpose. I’m like a Doberman, baby. In more ways than one.”
I snort-laugh at the ridiculous analogy.
“Fine, but don’t scare her.”
He waits until I’m pulling away from the drive before asking.
“How am I scary?”
I laugh at the loaded question.  It’d be easier to name how he’s not.
“Let’s see… There are your looks, demeanor, aura, temperament, and besides, you 're just… intense.”
I get a small hmm before he looks out the window; silently sulking.  The guy is adorable.  It’s hard not to love him. 
“Celeste! What the fuck?”
Shit! I just ran a red light. I’m not sure realizing your catching feelings is safe to do behind the wheel. In fact, I’m now positive it’s deadly.
“Do you need me to drive?”
I blush and reflectively check the mirror. My makeup thankfully hides it.
“No, Sorry.” I murmur. 
The rest of the drive is uneventful and silent.  I begin to wonder if I’ve offended him and that’s the cause of his mood change. I’m about to inquire when I see Beth. She’s a couple of blocks away from the park and looks terrified. Skidding to a halt, I jump out and go after her. She spots me jogging up. 
She embraces me in a hug and for the first time; I enjoy it. 
“What happened? Why do you look panicked?”
Beth shakes her head and looks down at her shoes, which are torn and doodled on sneakers. For such a young child, her mind is mature. 
“It’s not what you think... There was a group of boys-”
“Did they try something with you!?” I look back toward the park magic balling in my fists.
“No, aunt Celeste!... I didn’t want to get picked on.”
I frown down at Beth and lift her chin to meet her eyes.
“There is no reason those boys would make fun of you. The only reason those girls do is because they’re jealous.”
Beth scoffs and snorts all at once while rolling her eyes, its impressive. I can tell there’s not a part in her that believes me, and that’s sad.
“Just because you don’t fit into their idea of beauty doesn’t mean you’re not beautiful, Beth. It’s the fact that you’re not bothered by their rejection that gets them. They envy what you have inside. Something they can’t get or even become.”
That gets her attention. She’s skeptical.
“What’s that?” Beth asks.
“Inner beauty. Every one of them knows that’s not something you grow into. It’s something you 're born with.”
My eyes well with tears as Beth begins to cry. I hold her in my arms, taking her pain in as my own. If only I had someone to lean on, I may have turned out a little less messed up. I won’t let her grow up like me. 
“let’s go to the coven Beth. I’ve got a few choice words for Virgina.”
“No! Please, I can’t go back there! I won’t!”
She panics, clutching my arm.
“Don’t worry. You’re staying with me, but I won’t let her get away with this.”
The relief she feels nearly topples me and I smile down at her. It breaks my heart seeing her struggles and knowing exactly how she feels. I may be a lost cause and I may not be able to help my sister at the moment, but this is one problem I know I can solve.
“Let’s go.” 
The moment Beth enters the backseat she spots Grayson, who’s pretending to mind his own business, when I know damn well he was eavesdropping. I can tell by his smitten expression.
“Woah Celeste. Who’s the hunk?”
Grayson preens at the compliment. That’s all that boy needs is more air inflated in that balloon of a head. Anymore and its liable to detach and float away.
“Beth, this is Grayson he’s-”
“Celestes fiancé.” he finishes. My mouth drops open in shock. 
“I was going to say a wolf shifter.” I add.
“Wow! go aunt Celeste. You really traded up.”  
I glare at Grayson, who doesn’t even notice. He’s too busy grinning from ear to ear. I let it go for now. I’ve got bigger fish to fry.
They stand at the entrance, obviously expecting me. Virgina’s smug expression boils my already heated blood. I think I’d give my left hand to give her a beat down, but she’s not worth it.
“Mrs. Quarts, how nice of you to drop by.”
“This is no social call! What right is it of yours to ban her from this coven? You have no authority to do that, it won’t stand.”
She buffs her nails, completely unaffected. My fists ball. I’m itching to throttle her.
“Your right, I don’t...”
Well, that was easy. What’s her deal?
“But they do... and there’s more.”
The whole counsel appears before me with looks of disdain and disappointment.
“What the hell have you done?” I breathe the words out.
“Mrs. Quarts, you are officially banned from this coven and any coven across the country. You have broken your last oath. Treachery is unforgivable.”
Treachery? I’ve bent a few rules before, but I’ve never done anything to endanger my coven. Certainly not any form of treachery.
“What lies have you told them Virgina?”
“She has spoken truth I have seen your betrayal for myself and we know Beth is involved as well.” I swallow as the highest member addresses me. My look of confusion is enough for her to explain.
“Did you not try to enlist a phoenix into the coven? Not only a phoenix but the daughter of Lucifer himself?”
Jolene? Is she serious?
“Jolene is a powerful witch; she would be an asset. She can’t even bring forth any capabilities from her father.”
My defense seems to do the opposite of what I intended. The high counsel has condemned me and my last effort has sealed their opinions. I can see it on each and every face. I can’t believe it. She won, Virgina has truly gained control. Any means necessary, that’s what she taught me. It may be petty, but who cares. They already hate me.
“You’re all doomed. Virgina will lead you into chaos and war. This will be the worst coven yet. She doesn’t care about anything but herself.”
“I believe it is you who has been selfish and uncaring... leave now before we force you.”
I turn my back on the only family I’ve ever known. No coven means no protection or connections. I’m truly fucked! at least I can still save Beth. I just have to prove she had no involvement in my dealings. It’s the truth that should be easy to prove. Getting Beth to see she needs a coven would be the hard part.

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