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**Hey everyone, I am sorry to keep you all waiting for so long..... And thankyou so much for 700+ reads..... Here is the new chapter and I will try my best to post as fast as I can........**

(Few days later)

(It's 2nd week of July now)

(Y/N's POV)

Shit dude, I can barely stay awake in my classes. I have been practicing so much for the mixed team that, I totally forgot about my half yearly exams and I did not really pay much attention in my classes because I was busy trying to stay awake.
But how are others able to manage their studies and practices?
I shoot a ball towards the basket.

Right now, it's 6:30 p.m. I am alone in the gym practicing. Our morning practices are from 5:30 to 7:30 or sometimes it gets extended till 8:00. Then our school start from 8:45 till 3:30 p.m, then our evening practices from 4:00 till 6:00 p.m. I sigh.
So, why am I not able to study?? I shoot in frustration.

I look at the board blankly. Yeah, now realization hit me, I am practicing more than anything or anyone. So of course, I won't get time for anything else..... Ahhhh, it's so frustrating that I want to play more. I start dribbling and shooting again.

After few seconds, I looked at the time, 7:15, Holy cookies of grandma, I am so late.... I pick up my school bag and basketball, lock the doors of the gym, hand the keys to the guard and rush towards my home. My exams are starting from next week and I haven't even touched my books, I don't even know the syllabus..... What am I going to do?.....


Coach- "Girls, if your half yearly results are not up to the mark, you are automatically out of the mixed team and the Girl's Team."

(Flashback ends)

Damn itt! I ruffle my hair in annoyance. Aahaan!! Kuroko-senpai and Kagami-senapi can help me and Momoi-senpai too.... Did I tell you Momoi-senpai and I have become good friends..... And Kagami-senpai is just like an elder brother to me, because of him I got close to Kuroko-senpai too, because they are mostly together.

As I reach home, I throw away my stuff, grap my books and straight away head towards Kagami-senpai's apartment. I rang the bell, "Kagami-senpai, you there?"

He opens the door, "Hey f/n-chan, come in."

"Kagami-senpai, please help me...." I whined while going inside, until I realised that there were other people inside the room, who were staring at me. My face turned red because of embarrassment. I bowed to them and Kagami-senpai introduced me to them.

"This is l/n f/n, she is my neighbour. She is just like a little sister to me."

"L/n-san, did you just come home from school?" Kuroko-senpai asked.

"Umm... Yeah, I just reached home and came here." I looked at the time, shit, it was 7:45.

An offended voice said, "What the hell were you doing in school this late, Shortie?" Ok, here we go again. I roll my eyes at him, why is he always there when I am already frustrated as fu-.

"Yes f/n-chan, what were you doing?" Kagami-senpai asked concerned.

"Umm I was just practicing, hehe." I said with a nervous smile.
Now, I am doomed. I got a 15 minute lecture from Kagami-senpai and a guy with yellow-golden hair, that I should not practice for this long and that to alone, and blah, blah, blah..... I guess, I have seen this yellow haired somewhere.
And Aomine's face was annoyed because I had just ignored his question.... Muahahaha!! This evilness pleasures me..

After scolding me like forever and noticing my sad and worn out face, the yellow haired guy introduced himself, "Well, I forgot to introduce myself, I am Kise Ryuota, I am a second year in Kaijo High."

"Wait a minute, I have seen you somewhere...... Are you a model or something?"

"Indeed, I am."

"Yes, I was correct. I saw you on the front page of a magazine that my friend had..."

"He is also a part of Generation of miracles..." Kagami-senpai said.

"THE COPY CATT!!" I exclaimed with excitement. Everyone laughed.... Kise-senpai and I talked for a while, I told him I also play basketball and he said that he looks forward to have a one-on-one match with me. When I was talking to Kise-senpai, I felt Aomine wanted to say something but he was sort of holding it back....... But why?? Maybe it was just my assumption.......

"I am not an incredible player like you but I will give my 110%." I said.

"Yes, I am looking forward to this match." He smiled.

I looked at the time.... Why is this fucking time flying so fast....?! It was already 8:40.

"Yes, the important thing... Please help me with my studies, senpai-tachi!!" I begged them. All of them took a pause, stared at me blankly for a second and burst into laughter...... I stared at them like an idiot.....

Kise-senpai said while laughing, "L/n-san, what made you think that we are good in studies..... Hahahahaha....... And you literally came to seek help from Kagamicchi, who is the worst among us..... Hahaha."

Kagami-senpai defended himself, "Oieee, shut up Kise...." Both of them became Tom and Jerry for a moment. I also chuckled at that little chaos. I felt overwhelmed on seeing such and amazing bond between all of them. I mean, I have always dreamt of having this kind of bond.

I was snapped out of my overwhelming thoughts when Kuroko-senpai said, "L/n-san you are lucky, we were having study sessions because its almost time for half yearlys. You can join us if you want...." He offered.

"Thankyou so much senpai...... Can I join you all everyday till exams??"

"Yes, yes..... We start from 7:00 everyday."

"Ok, I will be here, I promise..."

"In which subjects do you want help, though?"

"Modern and ancient literature, chemistry and bi-- Nooo..."
Realisation hit me, "Yeah that's it. Two subjects."

Shit, studying biology from them, never...... It's better I fail in that.... Oh wait, Momoi-senpai can help me with that, I guess.

"I can teach you modern and ancient literature, it's my subject but chemistry sorry. Not my subject." Kuroko-senpai said.

"Midorima's subject is chemistry." Aomine said in a cold and uniterested tone, looking into his book.

Now who is this Midorima guy?

"Yes, Midorimacchi can help her and us too.. hehe." Kise-senpai said.

'Cchi??' what the hell is cchi now? My expression was a little weird and I guess Aomine noticed it.

"He adds 'cchi' infort of the names he respects." Again very cold tone. I nod. What's wrong with this guy today?

"Let's eat something first, then we can continue." Kagami-senpai brought some food. We all ate and then continued.

Kuroko-senpai taught me literature and I got it quite nicely. The most surprising thing for me was Aomine did not talk to me, irritate me or anything. It was 10:15 now, and all three of them had to leave....... I thanked everyone and went to my apartment... And started studying other subjects. I studied almost till 12 and then went to sleep.

*Hey guys! I really don't know where this story will go... But please keep supporting me!!*


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