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(Time Skip)
(A week later)

(Y/N's POV)

The after-school practices just got over and I am heading home with Yacchi. After we parted ways, I was lazily walking because I was so tired of the busy schedule.

(Flashback, 2 days before)

Coach, "Girls listen up, there is a mixed tournament coming up soon so, our school is going to form a 'Mixed Basketball Team', that is both girls and boys. So, I and the coach of the boy's team will be choosing 6 players from each team so, that the ratio will be equal....... And playing 5 don't be too confident that you will be there in the team. There are going to be proper tryouts, whoever will do the best will be selected.
All The Best, everyone! Give your best and practice hard. The date for the tryouts will be given soon. Thank you.."
All the players in unison, "Thank you coach!"

(End of flashback)

I sigh, I really want to be in that team. It's been my dream to play mixed matches and I don't want to lose this opportunity, and also I have heard that our boy's team is also pretty strong and I would love to play with them.

Speaking of the Boy's Basketball Team, I haven't seen that Stupid Ace since the most embarrassing day of my life......
Anyways, why do I care? It's better without seeing him, at least my life is a little peaceful you can say.
Ahhhhh, I don't want to cook today, I guess Maji Burgers it is.

I go inside the restaurant and while ordering, "L/n-san, long time no see." All of a sudden I heard someone. I got startled and when I looked at the person, it was Kuroko senpai.

"Uahhhhh, Kuroko-senpai you startled me." I said taking a deep breath. Kuroko-senpai is Kagami-senpai's classmate and best mate in the team, I can say. According to them Kuroko-senpai is the shadow to Kagami-senpai's light. And their bonding is amazing. I know him because he often comes to Kagami-senpai's house and we do hang out together sometimes. "How are you?"

"I am all great l/n-san, how about you?"
"Good too, here with Kagami-senpai as usual?"
"Haii! But today one more friend joined us."
"Oh that's good." I take my food from the counter and wait for Kuroko-senpai.
"Would you like to join us l/n-san?" He asked with a smile...... Ahhhh, how can I refuse to such a genuine smile, right?....... Ok, well maybe I don't want to sit alone.

"I would, but I hope Kagami-senpai and your friend won't mind?" I asked, because of course, etiquettes!
"Nah, nah it's all fine." He takes their food and we head towards their table.

As we reached there, I froze on the spot.
"Ohh hello!! l/n-chan, good to see you...." Kagami-senpai said to welcome me, but that other friend looked at me. He had his signature smug look on his face.

Yes, you guessed it right. It had to be no one, other than that Stupid Ace Aomine. My luck, 'Speak of the devil and God will lead you to him.' I guess I am paying for all the sins in my past life...

"L/n-san, have a seat please." Kuroko-senpai said, pointing to the seat next to Kagami-senpai.
"Oh, well you see...... I just remembered some work. So, I will just go home and have my food later. " I awkwardly said and all three of them looked at me in confusion. I bow to everyone, leave that place and start heading home.

"Ahhh!! That Ahomine... Baka, baka!" I mumbled clinching my fist. I can't even eat at peace because of him. I took out my burger from that pack and start eating it, I was too hungry to wait till I reached home. Hmm.... Eating can cool you down after all.....

All of a sudden realisation hit me, Shit! What about those mixed matches?... I forgot that he will also be there.... Shit, shit, shit! I don't want to be in the same team as him. I opened the door of my apartment with anger and punched the wall, with my left hand, out of frustration but not too hard this time. I hope he does not get selected, after all he does not go to practices so, I guess others might be better than him, right?.....

But what if I also don't get selected...... Ahh Shit mann! I have started overthinking again and the reason is that dumbass..... I don't want to see him again. I angrily go to my room and drift off to sleep.

(Aomine's POV)

I am walking to the Maji's after school. I haven't seen l/n since we last spoke in the cafe that day. And what happened that day was weird..... I won't deny the fact that I was actually somewhat blushing, But Why The Heck Was I Blushing??...

I don't know what the actual shit is happening. I have started avoiding her I guess, I mean I am getting so interested in her, that it is making me frustrated, why her? Out of everyone, why her?

I am interested to know more about her, I am interested in seeing her more, I am interested to see her play with that attitude....... Ahhh, by play I remember.....

(Flashback of this morning)

"Dai-chan, inter-school mixed tournament is coming up. So, our school is forming a mixed team. You should-" I cut Satsuki off.
"I don't want to go, Satsuki."
"But Dai-chan, there are going to be tryouts soon and they will be choosing the best player."
"I don't want to fight against weaklings..... And I give a damn about these tournaments."

(End of flashback)

I wonder if she will be giving the tryouts for the team. Maybe I should go...... or try at least........ I thought seriously for a moment. 'Nahh! Not my type of thing.'

I yawn when someone came from behind and karate chopped my head, "Eyy, Aomine, where you going?"
I know this person. I replied in annoyance, "Can you stop doing that KaGaMi!!"
"Hahaha...... Why are you always so annoyed dude?" Kagami says jokingly. I roll my eyes.

"Domo! Aomine-kun." Holy cra-, this guy always scares the shit out of me.......
"Tetsu please for once stop giving me heart attacks...."
"But I was here from the start." He sounded genuine.
"Whatever." We talk a little on our way to Maji's.

I and Kagami take a table and Tetsu goes to order our food..... I was lost in my thoughts when Tetsu came back with food and with L/N!!! What the--

What is she doing here....!? We both looked at each other blankly, I did not realise when a smirk formed on my face.... She was about to join us but, I guess after seeing me she changed her mind..... She bowed at us awkwardly and left.

I was disappointed, I wanted to talk to her, or basically I wanted to tease her and see that cute flushed face of hers...... Shit! Daiki, what the hell are you thinking......

"Aye Tetsu, you know her??" I ask out of curiosity.
"Haii, she is Kagami-kun's neighbour, so he did tell me some stuff about her and we did hangout a few times." Ok Tetsu knows her and has hung out with her..... Why do I feel a little burning sensation inside me? Maybe acidity.....

I let out a sigh, and start having my burgers....... I need to understand these feelings or it won't be good for me.......

*Heyyo!!! everyone! HAPPIEST NEW YEAR! I hope this year brings a lot of happiness to everyone...... And guys, thank you so so much for 300+ views. I appreciate it a lot.....

Mixed team, sounds interesting, right? If you are liking the story so, please don't hesitate to vote for me, and feel free to give suggestions!!! Thank you... <3*


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