It's been 5 days now and nothing is getting changed like babe is still with way he didn't even went to garage while Charlie have make his mind .....
And with Pete than he's getting more and more impatient to tell everyone about way and his relationship because now he can't see babe even for a second because of his closeness with way ..... And way is getting recover quickly and now he's all fine to go home but still he didn't know about his baby .......

In hospital room ..........

Doctor is checking way for the last time while Alan babe and Pete is standing there .............

Doctor........... Now you are completely fine way .....

Way.............................. Thank you doctor

Pete , babe .............. Can he go home ....
( Both look at each other and doctor look at both of them )

Alan......... Ah doctor we mean that now way is fine so can we take him home ??

Doctor............. Yes of course ....

Way............................... Doctor I can race right ?

Doctor.............. What ?

Pete................................. Way have you lost your mind .... You just get in an accident and you want to race ......

Babe............. But doctor said he's fine now so he can right doctor ?

Pete................................. Just Shut up babe .... It's dangerous for him to drive right after his recovery .....

Babe............. It's his decision what's yo.......

Way................................. Enough .... Doctor can I race .. it's very important race for me .......

Doctor............... Way you can but you have to be careful and try to not hit your stomach okay ......

Way.................................. Is there any problem with my stomach ??

Hearing way's question everyone remember that he lost his child and they don't want way to know about it so doctor make a excuse after looking at Pete who nope his head to doctor ..

Doctor............ Way actually you get hit on your stomach really hard on which it gets injured from in ... That is the reason why I'm telling you to careful with your stomach .......

Way............................... Okay doctor ... ( He trust on what doctor said and other take a breath in relief  )

Alan........... Thank you doctor now we will take our leave .....

Doctor............ Yes excuse me ..... ( Left )

Babe............... Way came let's go home

Way.............................. Babe now you can go home I'm fine and going to my own house .....

Babe............ But it's not save to stay alone so you come with me .....
( While holding hand Pete move to his side to throw him away from way but before he come close to him way move babe's hand first )

Way............................. I'm tried to stay here in hospital so i want to rest babe so you going with p'alan to garage while I'm going to take ........... Lift from Mr Pete ..... Mr Pete hope you don't mind but can you drop me to my house ?

Pete........................... Of course why not come let's go .......
( Take way's small bag which get used here and start walking behind way )

Babe........... What the hell was that .....

Alan......... He did right ...... Babe you didn't come to garage for all this time and race is on our heads  .....  So you coming with me ..... ( Left from there )

Babe........... Fine .. ( Walk behind Alan )

Way get in Pete's car while Pete himself start driving .... While whole drive was silence ..... Soon they get home ( Pete's home ) .......
Pete get down first and open the door for way ... They get in living room where way sit on couch while Pete also sit beside him and soon a maid come with water .... 

Way......................... Thank you ... ( While taking the water glass )

Pete........................ No thanks ....
( Maid give water to Pete but he didn't take )

Way........................ Pete I'm tired can you take me to our room ?? ( While having a little Pouting )

Without saying anything Pete carry him in bride style and start going to their room .... Well way understand that Pete is angry because of babe so he try to make Pete's mood normal .....

While going to room way hold Pete's neck tightly while giving soft kisses on his shoulder and neck .....  By now Pete also understand that way is trying to make his mood good so after getting in he put way in bed and removed his shoes while way remove his jacket .. after removing his shoes Pete remove his coat and unbutton his own shirt .......

Pete............................ Want to take a shower ?

Way............................. Yes but ....... I'm tried

Pete............................. You don't have to do anything ......

Pete remove his shirt and come close to way to remove his other clothes after making him completely necked Pete carry him again and start going to bathroom side ......
He make way to wait and prepare the tub and put way in .. after that he was about to go but way hold his hand ......

Way............................. Where you going?

Pete............................. To get your night dress ......

Way............................. I don't want to wear ....

Pete.............................. Way .... Love I'm not angry so relax ......

Way.............................. I know but ........ I really want you .......

* Guys thank you so much for your support ...............

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