Chapter 12: Do i like her?

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I was just leaving school and going towards my home but then I saw Isha. She was sitting and doing some work. By looking at her it seemed that she would stay till late.
I tried my best not to worry about her and straightly go home but I failed.
Then what, I waited for her.

(I don't know why I'm waiting for her, maybe because I'm worried for her?
No matter how much I deny it to myself, but I know somewhere I have started liking her. I didn't want to tell her this bcz I was afraid of her answer. What if she didn't feel same!
To be honest, who would like a boy who is famous as a playboy in school?)
And also she must have known about my relationship with arika by now.)

After a while she was finished with her work. She had just left the class. I was following her to the gate...and trying my best not to let her know my presence.

Because of the darkness my foot collided with the locker in the hall and made a loud noise. I Quickly hide in the class next to storeroom.
Then I heard footsteps coming towards the storeroom. There is no point in hiding now, so I left the class and move towards storeroom. I saw that her face was towards the room's gate. I moved a little forward and suddenly she turned and smashed in me.

She was about to fall but I caught her by the waist. She was slowly opening her eyes.
(By her face i could not tell whether she was happy or angry to see me)

Then she said
"what are you doing here?"
(With annoyed face)

(I couldn't figure out what excuse to make)

Lucas: "My book was left here so I came to pick it back"
(I know this is a lame excuse...but this is what came to my mind at that time)

(I could tell by the look on her face that she didn't believe me)

Then she staggered back to her feet, steading herself so that she wouldn't trip again.

Lucas: "Doll?"

Isha: "Don't you dare to call me that!!
call me by my name only"

Lucas: "Did Something happened? You've never spoken so rudely with me before"

Isha: "You are in a relationship with another girl. Then Why are you calling me doll? And you know now it hurts!"

(After saying those words she immediately regretting it. I can see it on her face)

Lucas: "I just call you doll for fun--
(She interrupted me and said

Isha: "For FUN huh..
from now on I am requesting you.

(She was about to leave when I held her hand and said)
"It's getting late, let me drop you home?"

She shook away my hand and said
"No thank you, i will go on my own"

And then she left from there..

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