Chapter Two: Hate

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When I got into my room. I slammed the door behind me. You might think a recording of me is not a big deal even though I turned him down. Its actually a very big deal. Chloe does this to everyone she doesn't like. She gets a recording of someone then changes it all up and makes a video out of it. It's really terrible. Becky my other locker neighbor used to be popular and a really cool person. Becky asked Mason on a date because no one had the guts to do it. Chloe wasn't even dating Mason at this time. But, Chloe liked Mason so she ran over and started kissing Mason. Right, in front of Becky. Then Chloe ruined Becky's life by posting a video online about her doing things she never did and things she didn't say. It was terrible and now Becky is just strange and she hasn't been right since.

I cried on my bed and then I fell asleep. In my sleep I dreamed about what I did. That was one of the worst things I have ever done in my whole life. I woke up to a banging sound on my door.

"Who is it?" I yelled. "Mason" the male voice from outside the door said. "Go away!" I yelled and began to cry.

Mason twisted the door handle but, I had locked it. "Its locked! Now go away!" I screamed. He rammed up against the door and with a loud crunch my door was in wooden pieces all over the floor and standing there was Mason.

"What the heck is wrong with you! You broke my door!" I yelled. "What about my car door that you stabbed with a pen!" Mason yelled. How did he know it was a pen? I burst into tears I hated being yelled at. "Stop crying and I need five hundred dollars to fix my car." He said calmly and very straight forward.

I got up and walked over to my safe and typed in the password and took out five hundred dollars. I was just going to give him my money! I only had like twenty dollars left and it was hard to give over my savings but, I had to. I closed the safe and walked over to Mason and put the money in his hand. With out saying a word I walked out of my room and headed straight to the door.

I ran down the steps of my house and started running to the woods in the back of my home. Leaving Mason still in my room. He probably would steal something super embarrassing of mine and then give it to Chloe.

But, I didn't care he could do whatever he wanted. I ran through the woods until I reached a tree. It was my secret hiding place. I started to climb the twisted up tree until I reached a branch that was about ten feet of the ground. I just sat there and cried for a very long time. I decided right there that I wasn't going back to school.

Night soon came and it got cold so I decided I should probably go home.

When I walked to my house the police were there and Mason's blue car was still there. Had something bad happened to Mason. I walked in and the cops, Mason and my parents all turned around and stared at me.

"Where have you been?" My mother says standing up and coming over to give me a hug. She looked like she had been crying.

"We were so scared!" My dad says coming over to also give me a hug.

"I was just in the woods." I said startled that they had called the cops. Mason got up to leave. "Sit down young man." The cop to the left of me tells him. "Yes sir" Was all he peeped out. "Young lady I hope you know the trouble you have caused us tonight!" One of the police officers said in a rough tone. I sat down and felt tears beginning to stream down my face. "I am so sorry! I didn't mean for any of this." I said wiping my tears away with my sleeve. What have I done?

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