She makes her way to the bar and sits down on the stool. She peers around at the staring faces and settles on one familiar face. The familiar face downs a shot with his eyes planted on hers. She feels the hatred from all the way across the room.

Alicia snaps her head away from the man and finally lays her eyes on the bartender. Her eyes widens.



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"Bitch." Chelsea sarcastically mutters.

Alicia grins slightly. "I guess I deserved that."

They stare at one another for a moment before leaning over the bar table and embracing one another in a hug. Both women hold back tears as they hold one another.

"You could've texted me you know." Chelsea speaks as Alicia sat back.

Alicia sighs. "I know. I don't really have an excuse. Besides my dad, I just wanted to forget everything about Roslyn. You know?"

Chelsea stares at Alicia for a moment before she sighs and gives her a small sympathetic smile. As much as she hated not being able to be in contact with her high school best friend, she understood why Alicia never kept in touch. She had witnessed too many times the countless attacks and ridicule not only she, but her father went through. She didn't blame her for leaving.

"Hey, as long as you're back now."

Chelsea turns around a grabs a bottle off of the liquor shelf. She grabs two shot glasses, turns around and raises both her hands paired with a devious smile.

"Oh God." Alicia groans out a giggle.

She watches as Chelsea fills up the shot glasses. Chelsea picks up the glass and holds it up. She raises her eyebrow and motions her head down to the glass.

"Girl don't play with me."

Alicia laughs and picks up the small glass. They bring the glasses together, making a clicking sound as the glasses touched, before downing the liquid. Chelsea takes it to the head with ease and slams the shot glass down on the counter. She brings the bottle up to pour herself another shot and she chuckles at Alicia's pained expression.

"God, I forgot how much I hated drinking." Alicia groans as she shoves the glass over to Chelsea.

"That's not exactly how I remember it."

The girls continue to laugh, drink and reminisce on the times they spent together in high school. The wild parties, sneaking out and the weekends away from home. They truly were a dangerous pair. The two were forever in trouble.

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